Oct 17, 2014

E-Cat長期試験報告 012

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Plot 5. Average temperatures of Area 5 at the time of power supply increase. 


All values seen here are calculated assuming the same emissivity, in order to allow visualization on a continuous line. 


Thus, the y-axis is an arbitrary scale by which one can determine how long it took the E-Cat to reach a stable state (about 400 seconds) when input current was increased.


Another matter for consideration that stands out from the analysis of the results regards the trend of net production vs. that of consumption.


There seems to be an anticorrelation between the two behaviors, which stands out as a decrease in average consumption values corresponding to increases in production averages, and vice versa.


This behavior is probably due to a feedback effect driving the resistor power supply,


raising it or lowering it according to the internal temperatures read by the thermocouple.


The values of Table 7, relevant to net production, average consumption, and COP, are reproduced in Plots 6, 7, and 8.


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Plot 6. E-Cat Net power production trend throughout the test. 


Each interval on the x-axis represents a time span of about two days. 


Net power production is given by the difference between the total watts produced by the reactor and the watts consumed by it. 


It shows how much emitted power is exclusively due to the E-Cat’s internal reaction.


(訳注 ここで23ページの終わり)

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Plot 7. Mean power consumption of the E-Cat throughout the test. 


Each interval on the x-axis represents a time span of about two days.


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Plot 8. COP trend throughout the test. Each interval on the x-axis represents a time span of about two days. 


COP is the ratio of the sum of mean power emitted by radiation and convection by the E-Cat and by the rods, 


to the mean power consumption of the reactor minus power dissipated by Joule heating. 


It gives an indication of the E-Cat’s performance.


(訳注 ここで24ページの終わり)

It must be remarked that the COP values quoted here refer only to the performance of the reactor running at the capacity selected by us,


not at its maximum potential, any evaluation of which lies beyond the purposes for which this test was designed.


Awareness of the fact that the test would have lasted a considerable length of time prompted us to keep the reactor running at a level of operation capable of warranting both the stability and the safety of the test.


Therefore, we do not know what the limits of the current technology are, in terms of performance and life span of the charges.


Figures 12a, 12b. E-Cat operating during the test.


Note the Inconel resistors leaving the caps and entering the rods, where they are connected to the copper cables of the power supply.


The resistors appear to glow intensely in the parts lying outside the caps, whereas inside the reactor body they seem to shade an underlying emission of light.


This may be explained if we consider that the main source of energy inside the reactor body is actually the charge, and that it is emitting more light than the resistors.


These are not visible through the caps, which are thicker than the reactor body.


Upon leaving the reactor, however, the resistors emit heat almost exclusively by radiation (convection is negligible here, as they are inside the rods):


there are no brighter sources of light which can “outshine” them, nor masses of alumina that can cool them.


Their temperature is moreover fairly high, on account of the current they carry and the heat extracted by conduction from the reactor.


Figure 12b was taken in the dark, from the opposite side to that of 12a.


One of the three sets of hollow rods is visible, and another patch of insulating alumina cement on the second metal strut in the middle, added without modifying the setup.


(訳注 ここで6章(25ページの中央)終わり)

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