5. Analysis of data obtained from the dummy reactor
In order to determine the radiated and convection heat emitted by the dummy reactor, one must first of all find its surface temperature.
Figure 10 shows an image taken from the dummy’s thermography file, processed for data analysis.
Each cap has been divided into three parts, while the central body of the reactor has been divided into 10 parts.
For each part, the measurements are as follows:
Caps: (2π * Rcap * Lcap) / 3 = 1.67 * 10 ^ –3 m2 (12)
Dummy reactor body: (2π * Rreactor * Lreactor) / 10 = 1.25 * 10 ^ –3 m^2 (13)
where R indicates tap radius in (12) and reactor body radius in (13).
ここで、Rは、 (12)の中の タップ半径を示している、さらに、 (13)の中の反応器本体の半径。
L indicates the relevant lengths; for the reactor, the radius is that of the body without the ridges.
(訳注 ここで14ページ終了)
Figure 10. Detail of a thermography image from the dummy reactor run.
The image was divided into several areas; the most appropriate emissivity settings were applied to each area.
An emissivity value has been assigned to each area, recursively calculated on the basis of the trend in Plot 1.
The method applied for assigning the values is set forth in Tables 2a and 2b,
by using as an example the results of a randomly chosen area,
in our case Area No. 5, at a randomly chosen instant.
私たちの場合は エリア5番、それはランダムに直ちに選択された。
Tables 2a, 2b. Examples of values recursively assigned to emissivity.
In the first table, the initial value is set at 1.00, whereas in the second table it is set at 0.5.
In both cases, one sees that the correct emissivity assigned to Area 5 is 0.69.
This proves that the method adopted here is independent of the starting value assigned to ε.
The IR camera was recording past the initial moments during which the dummy reactor was heating up,
and up to a point at which it was operating at normal capacity.
The file run was then stopped, and an emissivity reference value of 1 was set for each area.
As one may see in the first table, for the instant chosen, the mean temperature of Area 5 indicated by the thermal camera's software is = 366.6°C for ε = 1.
人は、最初の表に見るだろう、直ちに選ばれたものに付いて、サーマルカメラのソフトウェアが示すエリア5の平均温度は、 ε = 1 に 対して 366.6°C である。
From the curve (ε vs. T), one can see that, for that mean temperature, the correct emissivity value would be 0.76;
(ε と. T)曲線から、人はそれを見ることができる、その平均温度のために、正しい放射率の値は0.76になります。
the next step is therefore changing the emissivity of area 5 according to this new value.
We thus get a new estimate for the mean temperature of the area as 426.6°C,
for which, according to the emissivity curve, one should have ε = 0.71.
そのため、放射率曲線に従って、ε = 0.71 を得た。
This procedure is continued until one gets a correct matching between emissivity and temperature,
which — in the above case of area 5 —yields ε = 0.69 and T = 450.3°C.
そこで、- エリア5の上記の場合 - 収率は ε = 0.69 と T = 450.3°C.
In order to prove that this method does not depend on the initial emissivity value chosen,
Table 2b shows what happens when the initial value of ε has been nominally set at 0.5.
As one may see, after a certain number of iterations, the same final result is found.
(訳注 ここで15ページの終わり)
After establishing what emissivity value settings were to be used for each area,
we extracted the temperatures relevant to all the 23 hours of the dummy run,
and averaged them, obtaining a single final value for each one of them (for Area 5, this was = 450.3°C).
それらを平均化し、それらのそれぞれに単一の最終値を求めた(エリア5の場合、これは = 450.3°C)。
This method was applied to all the areas of the dummy reactor, as well as to the rods and to the E-Cat, as we shall see.
A possible source of error in the calculation of the mean temperatures (and, consequently, in that of emitted power) must be seen in the uncertainty with which one reads the values of curve (ε vs. T).
平均温度の計算での誤差の可能性のあるソースは、(そして、その結果として、放出されるパワーの点で)人がカーブ (ε 対 T)の値を読み取るときに、不確実性の中にいると見られなければならない。
This uncertainty, valued at ± 0.01, was used to calculate the error to be associated with each result.
In the case of area 5, for instance, all calculations were first performed for ε = 0.69, then for ε = 0.68 (i.e. ε = 0.69 –0.01), and finally for ε = 0.70 (i.e. ε = 0.69 + 0.01).
領域5の場合、例えば、すべての計算は、まずε=0.69 について実施した、それから、ε = 0.68 (すなわち ε = 0.69 –0.01)について、 そして最後に、ε = 0.70 (すなわち ε = 0.69 + 0.01) について。
The difference between the results obtained in the last two cases, compared to the first result, is the percentage error sought.
最後の2例で得られた結果の間の差は、 最初の結果と比較して、求められたパーセント誤差である。
In this manner, temperature fluctuations in each area with time, for which one would have to constantly reset emissivity, are also taken into account.
(訳注 ここで16ページの上部)
The maximum value reached by area 5 during the whole measurement was equal to 469°C,
全体測定中にエリア5が到達した最大値は、469°C に等しかった、
which would correspond to ε = 0.68, whereas the minimum value was equal to 443°C, which would warrant ε = 0.69.
それは、ε = 0.68に対応するであろう、そこで、最小値は 443°C に等しいであった、それは、ε = 0.69 を保証する。
After reckoning the average temperatures for each area,
we calculated the watts emitted by radiation and convection for each area,
and upon adding these, arrived at the total power dissipated by the dummy reactor.
More specifically, for each area of the cap and of the reactor body,
radiation values were obtained by applying equation (1)
放射線の値は、方程式 (1)を適用することによって得られた、
and subtracting from the result the contribution due to ambient temperature,
which during the dummy test was 21°C (ε = 0.64).
その周囲温度は、ダミー試験の間は、 21°C (ε = 0.64)だった。
Using once again Area 5 as an example and expressing all temperatures in degrees Kelvin,
as the formulas require, we get, for radiation:
(ε * T ^ 4 –εamb * T amb ^ 4)*σ* Area =
= (0.69 * (454.3 + 273.16) ^ 4 – 0.64 * (21 + 273.16) ^ 4) * 5.67 * 10 ^ –8 * 1.25 * 10 ^ –3 = 13.4 [W] (14)
For convection, we applied (2) to each area relevant to the reactor caps, and (7) to each area attributed to the reactor body.
Taking Area 5 as an example, we must first calculate the heat exchange coefficient h, starting from the value assumed in this case by the Rayleigh number:
Ra = (gβ(Ts– Ta)D ^ ³) / να = 28184.32 (15)
(g = 9.8 [m/s ^ ²], β = 1 / Tf = 19 ∙ 10–4 [K ^ –1], Ts = 727.19[K], Ta = 294[K], D = 0.02[m], ν = 40 ∙ 10–6 [m ^ ²/s], α = = 59 ∙ 10–6 [m ^ ²/s])
From Table 1 we can see that, for this value of Ra, we have: C = 0.48 and n = 0.25.
表1から、私たちはそれを見ることができ、Raのこの値についてだが、 求められたのは、 C = 0.48 と n = 0.25。
By (3) we then have:
h= (kCRa ^ ⁿ) / D = 12.75 [W/mK] (16)
where the thermal conductivity of air k is = 41 ∙ 10–3 [W/mK].
ここで、空気の熱伝導率 k = 41 ∙ 10–3 [W/mK]。
Coefficients k, ν, and α were calculated by means of Plots 2, 3, and 4, at a film temperature Tf = 510.60 K.
計数、k, ν, と α は、プロット 2, 3 と 4 の意味合いで計算されて、フィルム温度 Tf = 510.60 K である。
Furthermore, for each area of the body we know that the length L is 0.02 [m], that the number of fins is N ≈ 6, whereas rb and δb (Figure 10) keep their previously established values (10–2 [m] and 3.2 ∙ 10–3 [m]).
その上、本体の各部のエリアについて、長さLは、0.02 [m] と知っているから、それにフィンの数は、 N ≈ 6、ここで rb と δb (図10)は、それらの以前に確定した値 (10 ^ –2 [m] と 3.2 * 10 ^ –3 [m])を維持している。
In order to get the watts emitted by Area 5, one more parameter is lacking, namely fin/ridge efficiency, for which we need another parameter, m, given by (8).
エリア5によって放出されたワットを取得するためには、もう一つのパラメータが欠けている、すなわちフィン/リッジ効率、そのために私たちは別のパラメータを必要とし、 m とする、それは (8).で与えられる。
This last parameter depends on the thermal conductivity of alumina, which is, in turn, a function of its temperature.
From [3] we learn that at the average temperature of Area 5 (Ts = 727.19[K]), k is ca. 10 [W/mK], therefore:
[3]から私たちが学ぶことは、エリア5の平均温度で、 (Ts = 727.19[K])、kは約 10 [W/mK]、だから、
m = b(2h / k δb)^0.5 = 0.065 (17)
From Figure 9 we can see that for this value of m, the value of η is very close to 1 ( ≈ 0.98),
図9から私たちは見ることができます、mのこの値について、ηの値が1 ( ≈ 0.98)に非常に近いということ、
which is to be expected, given the definition of efficiency and how it relates to the fairly small size of the ridges.
Now we can finally substitute all the values found in (7) and calculate heat emitted by convection by Area 5:
今、私たちは、(7) で見つかったすべての値を最終的に置き換えることができますし、さらに、エリア5で対流によって放出される熱も計算できます。
Q = N η h Af (Ts – Ta) = 10.46 [W] (18)
(訳注 ここで16ページの終了)
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