Nov 7, 2015


PHPスクリプトで排他制御を行う方法には、セマフォ、sem_get, sem_acquire, sem_release 関数を使う方法があるが、PHPのビルドで、 '--enable-sysvsem' オプションが必要になる。

(If we want to use an exclusive control in PHP script, we can use semaphore functions, sem_get, sem_acquire, and sem_release, but there must be an '--enable-sysvsem' option while building PHP.)


(When there is not an '--enable-sysvsem' option on your rental server, sem_get will abort immediately.)


(To correspond this, we can use a lock-file-method only for the purpose of an exclusive control.)


(A lock file should not be prepared before running your script, but there is always the lock file in the following example.)


(It is better that the name of a lock file begins ".ht", because it will not be accessed from any WEB clients.)

コード例 (example)

$seg = fopen(".htlockfile", "w");
 flock($seg, LOCK_EX);
 //(Here is an exclusive control span.)
 flock($seg, LOCK_UN);

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