Jan 28, 2011

Google translation from a server side.

I want to use the Google translation from a server side.
My Ideas are 1. run javascript on a server or 2. Direct http call to Google from server with PHP.


I selected "#2 Direct http call".


1. run javascript on a server

I found "V8 JavaScript Engine".

"V8 JavaScript Engine" is a very good Engine,
but for me, it will take much time to make goolge objects in the V8.

How to install memo.

DOWNLOAD scons-2.0.1.tar.gz
# tar xzf scons-2.0.1.tar.gz
# cd scons-2.0.1
# python setup.py install --prefix=$HOME

# svn co http://google..... V8
# tar xzf scons-2.0.1.tar.gz
# cd v8
# scon
# cd samples
# g++ -I../include shell.cc -o shellv8 ../libv8.a -lpthread -m32

Test run javascript.

#./shellv8  test.js

test.js is:

print ('Hello' + ', World');
var x = 100;
var y = 200;
print ("x * y = " + (x * y));

Some objects, window and google, not implemented in shell.
It will take much time to make these objects.

2. Direct http call to Google from server PHP.

I re-read "Google Translate API Version 2".
it's is in Labs, but it has REST API.
REST is "Representational State Transfer".


Jan 5, 2011

How to quickly, randomly select and sort using MySQL?

How to quickly, randomly select and sort a specified number of records from a table under some conditions using MySQL?
I think that it is very difficult.
My solution has an almost randomness.
Here, "much_more_number" is about twice or greater than "specified_number".
SQL likes...
"SELECT * (SELECT *, RAND() as random FROM (SELECT * FROM table WHERE conditions LIMIT much_more_number) as x ORDER random LIMIT specified_number) as y ORDER sort_conditions"

"SELECT * (SELECT *, RAND() as random FROM (SELECT * FROM table WHERE conditions LIMIT much_more_number) as x ORDER random LIMIT specified_number) as y ORDER sort_conditions"