Nov 29, 2014





「裸のサル(The Naked Ape)」で有名な動物学者にして画家のデズモンド・モリス(Desmond Morris, 1928- , UK)さんの著書、『「裸のサル」の幸福論(The Nature of Happiness)』(訳 横田 和久さん)を紹介してみます。



The true nature of happiness is frequently misunderstood. 


It is often confused with contentment, satisfaction or peace of mind. 


The best way to explain the difference is to describe contentment as the mood when life is good, 


while happiness is the sensation we experience when life suddenly gets better. 


At the very moment when something wonderful happens to us, 


there is a surge of emotion, a sensation of intense pleasure, an explosion of sheer delight


 - and this is the moment when we are truly happy, Sadly, it does not last very long. 

- そして、これが、私達が真に幸福であるその一瞬なのです、残念なことに、これは長く続きません。

Intense happiness is a transient, fleeting sensation. 


We may continue to feel good for quite a while, 


but the joyful elation is quickly lost. 


As one cynic put it:


life is prolonged misery interrupted by brief moments of happiness




  1. 幸福とは右肩上がりの上昇気流に乗っていること。
  2. 満足とは生存し続けられる快適状態の維持、水平飛行の状態。
  3. 不満とは生存が脅かされ苦痛を感じている不快状況が変わらず固定されていること。
  4. 不幸とは下り坂で状態がどんどん悪くなること。




  1. 標的の幸福(目標を達成すること)
  2. 競争の幸福(スポーツの勝利など)
  3. 協力の幸福(チームでの助け合い)
  4. 遺伝の幸福(夫婦となり子供を残すこと)
  5. 官能の幸福(性的快感、美食、入浴その他)
  6. 脳の幸福(読書、ボードゲーム、学術研究、芸術創作)
  7. リズムの幸福(音楽、ダンス、エクササイズ)
  8. 痛みの幸福(マゾヒスト、禁欲主義、ダイエット、ベジタリアン、節約主義、精神的優越感、テロ)
  9. 危険の幸福(ギャンブラー、バンジージャンプ、スカイダイビング、自動車レース)
  10. こだわりの幸福(非日常へ逃避する、趣味や仕事に没頭して他を無視、鬱に沈む)
  11. 静寂の幸福(座禅・瞑想に耽る)
  12. 献身の幸福(神への信仰の幸福、聖地の訪問、神の子供としての安心感)
  13. 消極的幸福(肉体的苦痛から薬で逃れる幸福、精神的苦痛=不安・ストレス・退屈から精神分析で逃れる幸福)
  14. 化学的幸福(麻薬服用者、飲酒、たばこ、コーヒー、お茶も度が過ぎれば)
  15. ファンタジーの幸福(空想家、小説、演劇、映画、テレビ)
  16. 笑いの幸福(ユーモア、漫才、落語を楽しむ、安全な恐怖を楽しむ、恐怖の克服)
  17. 偶然の幸福(偶然幸運(good luck)が訪れた時に感じる)


  1. Target happiness as a result of successful efforts to achieve a specific target.
  2. Competitive happiness as a result of winning a struggle against other people. In the most extreme form, this is the happiness of the sadist and the torturer.
  3. Co-operative happiness as a result of helping other people.
  4. Genetic happiness as a consequence of reproducing ones genes by falling in love, pair bonding, giving birth and successfully rearing the offspring.
  5. Sensual happiness as a result of hedonistic experiences like eating, drinking and sex.
  6. Cerebral happiness as a result of intellectual activities like playing games, artistic creativity and scientific research.
  7. Rhythmic happiness as a result of activities like dancing, music, singing, aerobics, gymnastics and athletics.
  8. Painful happiness as a result physical or mental masochism, like self-chastisement or the masochism of puritans who deny themselves every pleasure in life.
  9. Dangerous happiness as a result of taking sensational risks as in gambling and in such extreme sports as mountain climbing and parachuting.
  10. Selective happiness as a result of ignoring reality and concentrating on one's own emotions, like Nero fiddling while Rome was burning.
  11. Tranquil happiness as a result of meditation.
  12. Devout happiness as a result of worshipping, like in Lour-des and Mecca.
  13. Negative happiness as a result of eliminating or dealing with specific causes of unhappiness, like dressing entirely in black for the rest of one's life after the death of a child.
  14. Chemical happiness as a result of taking drugs, alcohol and smoking.
  15. Fantasy happiness as a result of daydreaming, supported by books, films and television.
  16. Comic happiness brought on by humor and laughter.
  17. Accidental happiness as a result of good luck, if your suitcase comes up first on the carousel after a long and tiring flight on a jumbo jet. 



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