
May 24, 2013

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その6)



Remarks on the test
An interesting aspect of the E-Cat HT2 is certainly its capacity to operate in self-sustaining mode.


The values of temperature and production of energy which were obtained are the result of averages not merely gained through data capture performed at different times; they are also relevant to the resistor coils’ ON/OFF cycle itself.

得られた温度およびエネルギー生産の値は、異なる時期に実行されたデータ・キャプチャによって単に得られたのではない平均値の結果である; それらはまた、抵抗コイルのON / OFFサイクルそれ自体に関連しています。

By plotting the average temperature vs time for a few minutes of test (Plot 3) one can clearly see how it varies between a maximum and a minimum value with a fixed periodicity.


Plot 3. Average surface temperature trend of the E-Cat HT2 over several minutes of operation.


Note the heating and cooling trends of the device, which appear to be different from the exponential characteristics of generic resistor.

Looking at Plot 3, the first feature one notices is the appearance taken by the curve in both the heating and cooling phases of the device.


If we compare these in detail with the standard curves of a generic resistor (Plot 4 and Plot 5), we see that the former differ from the latter in that they are not of the exponential type.


Plot 4. Comparing the typical heating curve of a generic resistor (left, [Ref. 9]) to the one relevant to one of the E-Cat HT2’s ON states.


Plot 5. Comparing the typical cooling curve of a generic resistor (left, [Ref. 9]) to the one relevant to one of the E-Cat HT2’s OFF states.

Finally, the complete ON/OFF cycle of the E-Cat HT2, as seen in Plot 3, may be comparedwith the typical heating-cooling cycle of a resistor, as displayed in Plot 6.


Plot 6. Heating and cooling cycle of a generic resistor [Ref. 9].

プロット6。一般的な抵抗器の加熱と冷却サイクル[参照。 9]。

The trend is described by exponential type equations.

What appears obvious here is that the priming mechanism pertaining to some sort of reaction inside the device speeds up the rise in temperature, and keeps the temperatures higher during the cooling phase.

Another very interesting behavior is brought out by synchronically comparing another two curves: power produced over time by the E-Cat HT2, and power consumed during the same time.

別の非常に興味深い挙動が、もう二つの曲線をsynchronicallyに比較することによって引き出されています : E-キャットHT2によって時間をかけて生産されるパワー、さらに、同じ期間中に消費したパワー。

Another very interesting behavior is brought out by synchronically comparing another set of curves: power produced over time by the E-Cat HT2, and power consumed during the same time.

別の非常に興味深い挙動が、もう一組別の曲線をsynchronicallyに比較することによって引き出されています : E-キャットHT2によって時間をかけて生産されるパワー、さらに、同じ期間中に消費したパワー。

An example of this may be seen in Plot 7, which refers to about three hours of test.


The resistor coils ON/OFF cycle is plotted in red, while the power-emission trend of the device appears in blue.

抵抗器コイルON/ OFFサイクルは、赤色でプロットされている、一方、デバイスのパワー放出傾向が青色で表示されている。

Plot 7. Chart showing emitted power (in blue) and consumed power (in red) vs time for the ECat HT2.

プロット7。チャートは、ECAT HT2のための放出されパワー(青)と消費電力(赤)対時間を示す。

Starting from any lowest point of the blue curve, one can distinguish three distinctive time intervals.


In the first, emitted power rises, while remaining below the red line representing consumed power.


In the second, emitted power rises above consumed power, and approaches its peak while the resistors are still on.


In the third, after the resistors have been turned off, emitted power reaches its peak and then begins to fall to a new minimum value, whereupon the resistors turn on again.


In the first time interval, emitted power is less than consumed power; but already in the second the trend reverses, and continues as such into the beginning of the third.

第1の時間間隔において、放出パワーが消費電力未満であり; だが、すでに第二では、傾向は反転する、そして、第三の初めにそのようにして続いています。

Plot 8, which gives an expanded view of Plot 7, the three intervals are visually enhanced for the sake of clarity.


Plot 8. Detail taken from Plot 7, reproducing the first two periods of the cycle.


The three time intervals in which each period may be divided are labeled by Roman numerals.

Further food for thought may be found by analyzing the trend of the ratio between energy produced and energy consumed by the E-Cat HT2, as referred to the same time interval dealt with in Plot 7.


Further food for thought may be found by analyzing the trend of the ratio between energy produced and energy consumed by the E-Cat HT2, during the time interval shown in Plot 7.


The blue curve in Plot 9 is the result of the analysis, and is reproduced here together with the red curve of power consumption normalized to 1.


Basically, for every second taken into account, the corresponding value of the blue curve is calculated as the ratio between the sum of the power per second emitted in all the previous seconds, and the sum of the power per second consumed in all the previous seconds.


Plot 9. The blue curve is the result of the ratio between energy produced and consumed by the E-Cat HT2, with reference to the same time instants dealt with in Plot 7.


The red curve represents the ON/OFF trend of the resistor coils normalized to 1.

赤い曲線は、1に正規化された抵抗器コイルのON/ OFFの傾向を表しています。
All the above trends are remarkable, and warrant further in-depth enquiry.


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