
May 24, 2013

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その7)



The two test measurements described in this text were conducted with the same methodology on two different devices: a first prototype, termed E-Cat HT, and a second one, resulting from technological improvements on the first, termed E-Cat HT2.


Both have indicated heat production from an unknown reaction primed by heat from resistor coils.


Both gave indication of heat production from an unknown reaction primed by heat from resistor coils.


The results obtained indicate that energy was produced in decidedly higher quantities than what may be gained from any conventional source.


In the March test, about 62 net kWh were produced, with a consumption of about 33 kWh, a power density of about 5.3 ・ 10^5, and a density of thermal energy of about 6.1 ・ 10^7 Wh/kg.

3月の試験では、約62正味キロワットを作製し、約33キロワットの消費と、約5.3×10^5のパワー密度、そして 約6.1×10^7 Wh/ kg の熱エネルギーの密度。

In the December test, about 160 net kWh were produced, with a consumption of 35 kWh, a power density of about 7 ・ 10^3 W/kg and a thermal energy density of about 6.8 ・ 105 Wh/kg.

12月の試験では、約160正味キロワットを作製し、約35キロワットの消費と、約7×10^3のパワー密度、そして 約6.8×10^5 Wh/ kg の熱エネルギーの密度。

The difference in results between the two tests may be seen in the overestimation of the weight of the charge in the first test (which was comprehensive of the weight of the two metal caps sealing the cylinder), and in the manufacturer’s choice of keeping temperatures under control in the second experiment to enhance the stability of the operating cycle.


The difference in results between the two tests may be seen in the overestimation of the weight of the charge in the first test ((which included the weight of the two metal caps sealing the cylinder), and in the manufacturer’s choice of keeping temperatures under control in the second experiment to enhance the stability of the operating cycle.


In any event, the results obtained place both devices several orders of magnitude outside the bounds of the Ragone plot region for chemical sources.

Even from the standpoint of a “blind” evaluation of volumetric energy density, if we consider the whole volume of the reactor core and the most conservative figures on energy production, we still get a value of (7.93 ± 0.8) 10^2 MJ/Liter that is one order of magnitude higher than any conventional source.

体積エネルギー密度の"ブラインド"評価の観点からさえも、もし、我々が、炉心の全体の体積とエネルギー生産に最も保守的な数値を考慮する場合なのだが、我々は、依然として (7.93±0.8)×10^2 MJ /リットル の値を取得する、それは、任意の従来のソースに比べ一桁高い。
Lastly, it must be remarked that both tests were terminated by a deliberate shutdown of the reactor, not by fuel exhaustion; thus, the energy densities that were measured should be considered as lower limits of real values.

The March test is to be considered an improvement over the one performed in December, in that various problems encountered in the first experiment were addressed and solved in the second one.


In the next test experiment which is expected to start in the summer of 2013, and will last about six months, a long term performance of the E-Cat HT2 will be tested.


This test will be crucial for further attempts to unveil the origin of the heat phenomenon observed so far.


The authors would like to thank David Bianchini, M.Sc. for his cooperation in performing the test.


We also wish to thank Prof. Ennio Bonetti (Bologna University), Pierre Clauzon, M.Eng.(CNAM-CEA Paris), Prof. Loris Ferrari (Bologna University), and Laura Patrizii, Ph.D. (INFN) for their helpful discussions, Prof. Alessandro Passi (Bologna University [ret.]) for his patient work in translating the text.

また、教授エンニオBonetti (ボローニャ大学)、ピエールClauzon、修士.英語。(CNAM-CEAパリ)、教授ロリスフェラーリ(ボローニャ大学)、とローラPatrizii博士(INFN)に感謝したい、有益な議論のためです、教授アレッサンドロPASSI(ボローニャ大学[RET])に感謝したい、テキストを翻訳する中で彼の忍耐ある仕事のためです。
We would especially like to thank Andrea Rossi, M.A., inventor of the E-Cat, for giving us the opportunity to independently test the apparatus, and Prof. Em. Sven Kullander and Prof. Bjorn Galnander (Uppsala University) for their continued interest in and support for these investigations.

我々は、特にアンドレア・ロッシ、MA に、E-キャットの発明者、感謝したいと思います、装置を独立してテストする機会を私たちに与えてくれたためです、and Prof. Em. Sven Kullander and Prof. Bjorn Galnander (Uppsala University)にも感謝したい、彼らの継続的な関心とこれらの調査のためのサポートのためです。
A special thought and warm thanks must be also expressed to Prof. Em. Sergio Focardi (Bologna University) and Prof. Em. Hidetsugu Ikegami (Osaka University).

特別な思いと暖かい感謝を教授エムセルジオFocardi(ボローニャ大学)と 池上 栄胤 名誉教授(大阪大学) に伝えなければなりません。
The authors would like to express their appreciation to Optris GmbH and Luchsinger Srl for their support and technological assistance.

著者は、 Optris GmbH社そしてLuchsinger SRLへの謝意を表したいと思います、彼らのサポートと技術支援に対してです。
Financial support from Alba Langenskiold Foundation and ELFORSK AB, for the Swedish participation in the E-Cat test experiment, is gratefully acknowledged.

アルバLangenskiold財団とELFORSK AB、からの財政支援には、E-キャットのテスト実験におけるスウェーデンの参加のためです、最大限の感謝を述べます。
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