
May 23, 2013

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その1)




Device and experimental set-up
The March test was performed with a subsequent prototype of the E-Cat HT, henceforth termed E-Cat HT2, differing from the one used in the December test both in structure and control system.


Externally, the device appears as a steel cylinder, 9 cm in diameter, and 33 cm in length, with a steel circular flange at one end 20 cm in diameter and 1 cm thick.

外部的には、デバイスは、鋼シリンダーとして見える、直径 9 cm、及び長さは33cm、直径20センチで厚さ1cmで一端に鋼鉄の円形のフランジ付き。

The only purpose of the flange was to allow the cylinder to be inserted in one of various heat exchangers, which are currently under design.


As in the case of the previous model, here too the powder charge is contained within a smaller AISI 310 steel cylinder (3 cm in diameter and 33 cm in length), housed within the E-Cat HT2 outer cylinder together with the resistor coils, and closed at each end by two AISI 316 steel caps.

前のモデルの場合のように、ここでもまた、粉体チャージがより小さいAISI310スチール製のシリンダー内に含まれている(直径3センチ、長さは33 cm)、さらに抵抗コイルと一緒にE-キャットHT2外筒内に収容され、二つのAISI316スチールキャップで、両端で閉じられた。
The outer surface of the E-Cat HT2 and one side of the flange are coated with black paint, different from that used for the previous test.


The emissivity of this coating, a MacotaR enamel paint capable of withstanding temperatures up to 800 °C, is not known; moreover, it was not sprayed uniformly on the device, as may be seen from the non-uniform distribution of colors in adjacent areas in the thermal imaging.

このコーティング、800°Cまでの温度に耐えることができるMacotaRエナメル塗料、の輻射率は、知られていない; また、それは、デバイス上に均一に噴霧されていない、であれば、熱画像内の隣接領域の色の不均一な分布が見られるかもしれない。

Fig. 10. Flange of the E-Cat HT2 used for the March test.


The flange is meant to facilitate insertion of the device in a heat exchanger. 


Electrical power is fed through the two yellow wires. 


The third connection was verified to be a PT100 sensor, used to give a feedback temperature signal 
to the control box in order to regulate the ON/OFF cycle.

第3の接続は、PT100センサであることを確認した、それは、ON/ OFFサイクル調整するためのコントロールボックスにフィードバック温度信号を与えるために使用される。

The flange is meant to facilitate insertion of the device in a heat exchanger

The E-Cat HT2's power supply departs from that of the device used in December in that it is no longer three-phase, but single-phase: the TRIAC power supply has been replaced by a control circuit having three-phase power input and single-phase output, mounted within a box, the contents of which were not available for inspection, inasmuch as they are part of the industrial trade secret.


But the main difference between the E-Cat HT2 and the previous model lies in the control system, which allows the device to work in self-sustaining mode, i.e. to remain operative and active, while powered off, for much longer periods of time with respect to those during which power is switched on.


During the test experiment we observed that, after an initial phase lasting about two hours, in which power fed to the resistor coils was gradually increased up to operating regime, an ON/OFF phase was reached.

テスト実験の間に我々は、それを観察した、2時間程度持続する初期段階の後に、その中では、抵抗コイルに供給される電力を徐々に、操作領域まで上昇させた、ON/ OFF段階に達しました。

During the test experiment we observed that, after an initial phase lasting about two hours, in which power fed to the resistor coils was gradually increased up to operating regime, an ON/OFF phase was reached, automatically regulated by the temperature feedback signal from a PT100 sensor.

テスト実験の間に我々は、それを観察した、2時間程度持続する初期段階の後に、その中では、抵抗コイルに供給される電力を徐々に、操作領域まで上昇させた、ON/ OFF段階に達しました、PT100センサからの温度フィードバック信号によって自動的に制御されています

In the ON/OFF phase, the resistor coils were powered up and powered down by the control system at regular intervals of about two minutes for the ON state and four minutes for the OFF state.

ON/ OFF段階の中では、抵抗コイルは、ON状態のための約2分とOFF状態のための4分間の一定間隔で制御システムによってパワーアップされ、パワーダウンされた。

In the ON/OFF phase, the resistor coils were powered up and powered down by the control system at observed regular intervals of about two minutes for the ON state and four minutes for the OFF 

ON/ OFF段階の中では、抵抗コイルは、ON状態のための約2分とOFF状態のための4分間の観察された一定間隔で制御システムによってパワーアップされ、パワーダウンされた。

This operating mode was kept more or less unchanged for all the remaining hours of the test.


During the OFF state, it was possible to observe  by means of the video displays connected to the IR cameras (see below)  that the temperature of the device continued to rise for a limited amount of time.


The relevant data for this phenomenon are displayed in the final part of the present text.


The instrumentation used for the experiment was the same as that of the previous test, with the sole addition of another IR camera, used to measure the temperature of the base (henceforth: “top”)  of the E-Cat HT2 and of its flange.


The instrumentation used for the experiment was the same as that of the previous test, with the sole addition of another IR camera, used to measure the temperature of the base (henceforth: “breech”)  of the E-Cat HT2 and of its flange.


The second camera was also an Optris PI 160 Thermal Imager, but mounting 48° x 37° lens.

2台目のカメラは、またOptris PI160サーマルイメージャだった、しかし48° x 37°レンズを取り付けた。

Both cameras were mounted on tripods during data capture, with the E-Cat HT2 resting on metal struts.


This made it possible to solve two of the issues experienced during the December test, namely the lack of information on the E-Cat HT2 “top”, and the presence of shadows from the struts in the IR imagery.


This made it possible to solve two of the issues experienced during the December test, namely the lack of information on the E-Cat HT2 breech  and the presence of shadows from the struts in the IR imagery.

これにより、12月のテスト中に経験した問題点のうちの2つ(以下)を解決することができた、すなわちE-キャットHT2 ブリーチ(砲尾)についての情報の欠如、さらに、IR画像におけるストラットから影の存在。
As in the previous test, the LCD display of the electrical power meter (PCE-830) was continually filmed by a video camera.


The clamp ammeters were connected upstream from the control box to ensure the trustworthiness of the measurements performed, and to produce a nonfalsifiable document (the video recording) of the measurements themselves.


Fig. 11. Instrument set-up for the test.


From left to right: the two laptops connected to the IR cameras, framing the “top” (i.e. the base) of the E-Cat HT2 and one of its sides, respectively, plus the video camera, and the PCE-830.

左から右へ : 二台のラップトップは、IRのカメラに接続されている、E-キャットHT2"トップ"(すなわち、ベース)とその側面の一つをフレーミング、それぞれ、ビデオカメラを追加、及びPCE-830も。

From left to right: the two laptops connected to the IR cameras, framing the Breech (i.e. the base opposite the flange) of the E-Cat HT2 and one of its sides, respectively, plus the video camera, and the PCE-830.

左から右へ : 二台のラップトップは、IRのカメラに接続されている、E-キャットHT2ブリーチ(砲尾)(すなわち、ベース、フランジの反対側)とその側面の一つをフレーミング、それぞれ、ビデオカメラを追加、及びPCE-830も。

Background: the E-Cat HT2 resting on metal struts and the two IR cameras on tripods.

Another critical issue of the December test that was dealt with in this trial is the evaluation of the emissivity of the E-Cat HT2’s coat of paint.


For this purpose, self-adhesive samples were used: white disks of approximately 2 cm in diameter (henceforth: dots) having a known emissivity of 0.95, provided by the same firm that manufactures the IR cameras (Optris part: ACLSED).

この目的のために、自己接着性のサンプルを使用した:直径約2cmのホワイトディスク(以下:ドット)は、0.95の既知の放射率を有する、IR カメラ(Optris部:ACLSED)を製造する同じ会社が提供するものです。

According to the manufacturer, the maximum temperature tolerated by a dot before it is destroyed is approximately 380 °C.


In the course of the test, numerous dots were applied along the side and the “top” of the E-Cat HT2, but the ones applied to the more central areas showed a tendency to fall off, and had to be periodically replaced.


In the course of the test, numerous dots were applied along the side and the Breech of the E-Cat HT2, but the ones applied to the more central areas showed a tendency to fall off, and had to be periodically replaced.


Actually, the distribution of temperatures along the device is non-uniform, and the central part of the cylindrical body is where the temperature reaches values closest to the uppermost working limit for the dots themselves.


Fig. 12. Two images of the E-Cat HT2.


The first displays one of the sides, as framed by one thermal camera, the second displays the “top”, framed by the second IR camera.


The first displays one of the sides, as framed by one thermal camera, the second displays the breech, framed by the second IR camera.


The adhesive “dots” used to evaluate paint emissivity are visible in both images.

ペンキの放射率を評価するために使用される接着性の "ドット"は両方の画像に表示されます。

Note how, in the image on the left, one of the dots is about to fall off due to the heat from the underlying area.

左の画像で、 ドットの一つが、基礎となる領域から熱によって脱落しようとしている程度具合に注意してください。
The dots allow one to determine the emissivity of the surface they are applied to, by comparing the temperatures recorded on the dots and those of the adjacent areas.


This procedure may also be applied during data analysis, directly on the completed thermal imagery video.


It is possible to divide the thermal images into separate areas  in the same manner as the one used to determine the average temperature of the E-Cat HT in the December test  and to assign a specific emissivity to each area.


This option proved quite useful later, when analyzing the imagery captured by the cameras, because it made it possible to correct the values of ε that had been assigned during the initial calibration performed while the test was in progress.


The dots in the images enabled us to determine that different areas of the device had different emissivity because the paint had not been uniformly applied.


Furthermore, it was possible to see how emissivity for each area varied in the course of time, probably on account of a change in the properties of the paint when subjected to continuous heat.


For this reason, when analyzing the data after the test, a good number of time intervals were taken into consideration.


The thermal images of the E-Cat HT2 were then divided into areas, and adjusted to the appropriate values of emissivity relevant to every time interval.


In order to calculate emitted energy, the temperature then assigned to each area of the device was determined from an average of the various results that had been obtained.


Another improvement over the December test lies in the fact that we were able to perform further measurements (falling outside the 116 hours of the trial run) on the same E-Cat HT2 used for the test, after removing the inner charge.


With this device, termed “dummy”, we were able to verify the effectiveness of the methodology used to evaluate the active device, and to estimate the energy emissions of the flange, which would have been difficult to evaluate otherwise.

Lastly, as in the December test, the E-Cat HT2 was assessed all throughout the test for potential radioactive emissions.


The measurements and their analysis were performed once again by David Bianchini, whose report and relevant results are available on demand.


His conclusions are quoted below:


“The measurements performed did not detect any significant differences in exposure and CPM (Counts per Minute), with respect to instrument and ambient background, which may be imputed to the operation of the E-Cat prototypes”.


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