
May 23, 2013

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART1:12月のTEST(その10)



E-Cat HT performance calculation
At this point all that remains to be done, in order to get the performance (COP) of the E-Cat HT, is to add the radiated power to the power dispersed by convection, and relate the result to the power supplied to the heating elements.


Conservatively, we can associate to these values a percentage error of 10%, in order to comprise various sources of uncertainty: those relevant to the consumption measurements of the E-Cat HT, those inherent in the limited range of frequencies upon which the IR cameras operate, and those linked to the calculation of average temperatures.

保守的に、我々は、これらの値に10%のパーセントエラーを関連付けることができる、不確実性の様々なソースを構成するためにである: それらは、E-キャットHTの消費電力の測定に関連する、それらは、IRカメラが動作する際に周波数の限られた範囲内で固有である、そしてそれらは、平均気温の計算にリンクされています。
From (8) and from (17) we have:

1568 + 466 = (2034 ± 203) [W] (18)

COP = 2034/360 = 5.6 ± 0.8 (19)

assuming a 10% error in the powers.


Plot 2 shows produced vs. consumed energy.

プロット2は、エネルギーの 生成 対 消費量を示しています。

Radiated energy is actually measured energy; total energy also takes into account the evaluation of natural convection.

放射エネルギーは、実際にエネルギーを測定し、総エネルギーもまた、自然対流の評価を考慮されます。(訳注: 後半は意味不明です)

Data are fit with a linear function, and COP is obtained by the slope.


Plot 2. Thermal energy produced (kWh) versus electrical energy consumed (kWh).

プロット2。生産された熱エネルギー量(kWh) 対 消費された電気エネルギー量(kWh)。
Ragone Chart
As we have seen, the weight of the active charge of the E-Cat HT plus the weight of the two metal caps sealing the inner cylinder is equal to 0.236 kg.

If we assign this value to the charge powders, we shall be overestimating the weight of the charge; thus, our calculation of the values of power density and the density of thermal energy may be regarded as a lower limit.

我々が、チャージ粉末にこの値を割り当てる場合には、我々は、そのチャージの重さを過大評価しなければならない ; このようにして、パワー密度および熱エネルギー密度の値の我々の計算は、下限値とみなすことができる。

For power density we have:

(2034-360)/0.236 = (7093 ± 709) [W/kg] (20)

Thermal energy density is obtained by multiplying (20) by the number of test hours:


7093・96 = 680949 [Wh/kg] ~ (6.81 ± 0.7) ・ 105 [Wh/kg] (21)

Figure 9 shows the "Ragone plot of energy storage", a typical diagram in which specific energy is represented as a function on a logarithmic scale of the specific power of the various energy storage technologies [Ref. 7].

図9は、"エネルギー貯蔵のラゴンプロット"を示している、模式図である、具体的なエネルギーは、様々なエネルギー貯蔵技術の特定のパワーの対数目盛上の関数として表されている。[参照。 7]。

Power density and thermal energy density found for the E-Cat HT place this device outside of the area occupied by any known conventional energy source in the Ragone chart.


Given the deliberately conservative choices made in performing the measurement, we can reasonably state that the E-Cat HT is a non-conventional source of energy which lies between conventional chemical sources of energy and nuclear ones.


Fig. 9. “Ragone plot of energy storage”[Ref. 7].

図9。"エネルギー貯蔵のラゴンプロット"[参照。 7]。

The plot shows specific gravimetric energy and power densities relevant to various sources.


The E-Cat HT, which would be off the scale here, lies outside the region occupied by conventional sources.


Remarks on the test

The device subject to testing was powered by 360 W for a total of 96 hours, and produced in all 2034 W thermal.

テストのデバイス被験体は、合計96時間で、360 Wで駆動され、すべてで 2034 W の熱を生産した。

This value was reached by calculating the power transferred by the E-Cat HT to the environment by convection and power irradiated by the device.

The resultant values of generated power density (7093 W/kg) and thermal energy density (6,81 ・ 105 Wh/kg) allow us to place the E-Cat HT above conventional power sources.

生成されたパワー密度(7093 W/ kg)を、熱エネルギー密度(6,81 ・ 105 Wh/kg)の結果値で、私たちは、従来のパワー源の上に E-キャットHTを配置することができます。
The procedures followed in order to obtain these results were extremely conservative, in all phases, beginning from the weight attributed to the powder charge, to which the weight of the two metal caps used to seal the container cylinder was added.


The same may be said for the choice of attributing an emissivity of 1 to the E-Cat HT; other instances of underestimation may be found in the calculation of the radiating area of the device without the two bases, and in the fact that some parts of the radiating surfaces were covered by metal struts.

同じことが、E-キャットHTに1の放射率を採用するという選択についても言えるでしょう; 過小評価の他の実例は、2つのベースを含めずにいたデバイスの放射エリアの計算で見つけられるかもしれません、さらに、放熱面の一部が金属支柱で覆われたという事実もあります。

It is therefore reasonable to assume that the thermal power released by the device during the trial was higher than the values given by our calculations.


Lastly, it should be noted that the device was deliberately shut down after 96 hours of operation.


Therefore, from this standpoint as well, the energy obtained is to be considered a lower limit of the total energy which might be obtained over a longer runtime.

This test enabled us to pinpoint several procedural issues, first of all the fact that the device was already in operation when the trial began.


This prevented us from correctly weighing the device beforehand, and conducting a thermal analysis of the same without the powder charge, prior to evaluating its yield with the charge in position.


The choice of placing the thermal camera under the E-Cat HT should also be considered unsatisfactory, as was the impossibility of evaluating the real emissivity of the cylinder's paint coating.

All these issues were taken notice of in the light of the subsequent test held in March.


This was performed with a device of new design, as a result of technological improvements effected by Leonardo Corporation in the intervening months.



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