
Sep 26, 2013


キーワード「low energy nuclear reactions」を用いて



単なるキーワード検索なので、関係無さそうな物(No.3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 14, 17, 18, 21, 23もあります。
No.2 の Steinberg Dan 氏は、2013年5月に「LENR Patent Trolling?」として話題になった発明者です。
No.8の IKEGAMI SAYAKA 氏は、誰だか判りませんが、有限会社R I N E、坂口電熱株式会社が出願人に名前を連ねています。
No.10, 11,15 の LARSEN LEWIS G 氏は、 Widom-Larsen理論で有名な人です。
No.12, 13, 16 の Dardik Irving I. 氏は、Super Wave Cold Fusion  (ココ) を発表しています。
No.19,22は、VILELA MENDES, Rui氏で、2004年で古く、元々はフランス語で書かれているようですが、関係ありそうです。


G21B 3/00
An embodiment of an apparatus includes a reaction chamber, a reaction unit, and an energy regulator. The reaction chamber includes an energy port, and the reaction unit is disposed in the reaction chamber and is configured to allow an energy-releasing reaction between first and second materials. And the energyregulator is configured to control a rate at which reaction-released energy exits the reaction chamber via the energy port. The reaction chamber may include a thermally conductive wall that forms a portion of the energy port, and the energy regulator may include a thermally conductive member and a mechanism configured to control a distance between the thermally conductive wall and the thermally conductive member. Furthermore, the reaction unit may include a mechanism configured to facilitate the reaction between the first and second materials, and may also include a mechanism configured to control a rate at which the reaction releases energy.

2.US20130044847 - Apparatus and Method forLow Energy Nuclear Reactions21.02.2013
H05H 6/00
13545983Steinberg DanSteinberg Dan
Provided are a method and apparatus for low energy nuclear reactions in hydrogen-loaded metals. A nickel cathode is disposed inside a pressure vessel loaded with heavy water. The vessel is heated to a temperature at which nickel oxide is reduced in the presence of hydrogen. The cathode is electrified, thereby producing hydrogen at the cathode, which removes any oxide layer on the nickel. The nickel can therefore more easily be loaded with hydrogen. The nickel cathode preferably has embedded particles of neutron-absorbing and/or hydrogen absorbing materials, such as boron-10, lithium-containing compounds, palladium, niobium, vanadium, or other hydrogen storage intermetallic compounds, alloys, or amorphous alloys.

3.CN102553407 - Method and device for decomposing CO2 and H2O through thermo-chemistry circulation reaction system11.07.2012
B01D 53/75
201210011177.2Zhejiang UniversityZhou Junhu
The invention relates to the technology of CO2 emission reduction and aims at providing a method and a device for decomposing CO2 and H2O through a thermo-chemistry circulation reaction system. The method includes: leading H2O, I2 and SO2 to a Bunsen reaction device for a spontaneous heat producing reaction, and leading CO2 to a fixed bed or a fluid bed reactor to produce a heat producing reaction with metal Zn or Ni. Products of all the reactions are recycled and used through the reaction devices and the final products are H2, CO and O2. The maximum heat source temperature is relatively low (lower than 900 DEG C), and other type of heat sources including solar energynuclear energy and the like can be used. Negative influence caused by incomplete reactions of Zn and CO2 is reduced, reaction temperature is proper, and scale industry application can be achieved easily.

4.CN102194530 - Comprehensive inertial confinement post-controlled nuclear fusion power station21.09.2011
G21B 1/03
201110127887.7Wang JitangWang Jitang
The invention designs a comprehensive inertial confinement post-controlled nuclear fusion power station, aiming at overcoming the defects of the conventional controlled nuclear fusion technology and utilizing nuclear fusion energy, and providing new concepts such as comprehensive inertial confinement, post-controllednuclear fusion and the like, new technical routes and new structures thereof. Various heat-absorbing buffer blocking layers made of low-melting-point metal are loaded around various nuclear fusion devices to form a fuel nuclear fusion device (2) or a fuel explosive. The power station is connected in a nuclear long cylinder (1) serving as a novel pressure vessel, so that the entire fuel explosive is kept under inertial confinement in a static state to realize two nuclear fusionreactions, namely one-time combustion and explosion. The low-melting-point metal has the effects of absorbing heat, reducing pressure and vibration and forcing axial bursting and is finally melted into metal liquid to serve as a heat-conducting medium to be led out of the cylinder for power generation and heat utilization. The specific structure of the novel nuclear fusion power station is designed; and engineering, experimental and calculating data fully prove that the power station can be completely realized by adopting the current engineering technology.

5.WOWO/2011/034467 - METHOD FOR PRODUCING HYDROGEN24.03.2011
C01B 3/08
PCT/RU2010/000512LEBEDEV, Larion AleksandrovichLEBEDEV, Larion Aleksandrovich
The method can be used for producing hydrogen in the course of scientific research, as well as for creating power systems. A water-filled, sealed explosion chamber made from a dielectric insulating material is placed in a strong, sealed gas collection chamber, the explosion chamber being designed so that excess gas can be released into the gas collection chamber. Through the electrical explosion of at least one metal conductor, a high surge pressure and a superstrong magnetic field are generated in the explosion chamber, thus creating the conditions necessary for low-energy nuclear reactions, and the hydrogen produced as a result of these reactions is tapped from the gas collection chamber.

6.US20100025260 - Upgrading waste heat with heat pumps for thermochemical hydrogen production04.02.2010
C01B 3/02
12184423University of Ontario Institute of TechnologyNaterer Greg F.
This invention relates to hydrogen production using combined heat pumps and a thermochemical cycle. Low grade waste heat can be upgraded to higher temperatures via salt/ammonia and/or MgO/vapor chemical heat pumps, which release heat at successively higher temperatures through exothermic reactions, or vapor compression heat pumps that upgrade thermal energy with phase change fluids. Using this new approach, low grade heat or waste heat from nuclear or other industrial sources can be transformed to a useful energy supply for thermochemical hydrogen production.

G21G 1/00
12361540TAHAN A CHRISTIANTahan A. Christian
Subatomic particles enter an atom at room temperature when the atom is held in a sufficiently strong magnetic field involving exposure to low frequency electromagnetic energy. The result is the release of particles, the generation of new bodies, including isotopes, and/or the release of energy.

8.JP2009150709 - リチウムクラスター化学核融合発生方法及びリチウムクラスター化学核融合装置09.07.2009
G21B 1/00

G21K 1/00
PCT/GB2008/001546ELLIS, Richard, JohnELLIS, Richard, John
The inventions concern the order force and order-charged states of matter, which open up a new range of phenomena, mainly in nuclear physics. The order force is a new force of nature which the inventor has discovered, and is the process of publishing. The inventor has found scientific evidence for this force, determined its properties and found that it has novel catalytic capabilities. These include new stable states of matter made possible by this force, the reactions to produce these states and the apparatuses required to bring about these reactions and if necessary to separate these new states of matter. These new states of matter are new isotopes which have applications in physics, chemistry, medicine, materials science and isotope work. The inventions include uses of the order force and/or order and/or orderons to overcome the Coulomb repulsion between nuclei and facilitate, directly or indirectly, reactions which would not otherwise occur atlow energies (at least not at usable rates), such as fusion reactions (possibly modified by the order force), which could be used to produce energy. The inventions also include arrangements of the order force and/or order charge, possibly impregnated into matter, to increase the probability of fusion and so catalyze fusion, the reactions, the apparatuses, etc necessary to do this, and to remove excess heat if required, either as waste or to be used.

10.US20080232532 - Apparatus and Method for Generation of Ultra Low Momentum Neutrons25.09.2008
H05H 3/00
11912793LARSEN LEWIS GLarsen Lewis G.
Method and apparatus for generating ultra low momentum neutrons (ULMNs) using surface plasmon polariton electrons, hydrogen isotopes, surfaces of metallic substrates, collective many-body effects, and weak interactions in a controlled manner. The ULMNs can be used to trigger nuclear transmutation reactions and produce heat. One aspect of the present invention effectively provides a “transducer” mechanism that permits controllable two-way transfers of energy back-and-forth between chemical and nuclear realms in a small-scale, low-energy, scalable condensed matter system at comparatively modest temperatures and pressures.

G21G 1/10
Method and apparatus for generating ultra-low momentum neutrons ('ULMNs') using surface plasmon polariton electrons 14, hydrogen isotopes 10, surfaces 20 of metallic substrate 12, collective many-body effects, and weak interactions in a controlled manner. The ULMNs can be used to trigger nuclear transmutationreactions and produce heat. One aspect of the present invention effectively provides a 'transducer' mechanism that permits controllable, low-energy, scalable condensed matter system at comparatively modest temperatures and pressures.

12.US20070280398 - Modified electrodes for lowenergy nuclear reaction power generators06.12.2007
G21B 1/00
11634485DARDIK IRVING IDardik Irving I.
low energy nuclear reaction power generator in which hydrogenous atoms are driven to increase atom-packing in a lattice and to increase the flux of hydrogenous atoms. An electrolytic cell is provided containing an anode-cathode electrode pair and an electrically-conductive electrolyte. Modifying substances, such as diamond, diamond-like, boron, beryllium, and/or carbon-based constituents, may be grown in and/or on the electrodes for enhancing the nuclear reactions. Applied across these electrodes may be a train of electrical packets, each comprised of a cluster of pulses. The amplitude and duration of each pulse, the duration of intervals between pulses, and the duration of intervals between successive packets in the train are in a predetermined pattern in accordance with superwaving waves in which each wave is modulated by waves of different frequency.

G21B 3/00
low energy nuclear reaction power generator in which hydrogenous atoms are driven to increase atom-packing in a lattice and to increase the flux of hydrogenous atoms. An electrolytic cell is provided containing an anode-cathode electrode pair and an electrically-conductive electrolyte. Modifying substances, such as diamond, diamond-like, boron, beryllium, and/or carbon-based constituents, may be grown in and/or on the electrodes for enhancing the nuclear reactions. Applied across these electrodes may be a train of electrical packets, each comprised of a cluster of pulses. The amplitude and duration of each pulse, the duration of intervals between pulses, and the duration of intervals between successive packets in the train are in a predetermined pattern in accordance with superwaving waves in which each wave is modulated by waves of different frequency.

PURPOSE: A thermochemical production method of hydrogen by a methane-methanol-iodomethane cycle is provided to produce hydrogen at low cost and high efficiency by maintaining a standard Gibbs free energy value of an iodomethane reaction step of methanol in an existing methane-methanol-iodomethane cycle as a negative value, thereby inducing a spontaneous reaction.
CONSTITUTION: In a thermochemical production method of hydrogen by a methane-methanol-iodomethane cycle comprising: a steam reforming reaction step of a hydrocarbon gas such as methane; a step of converting carbon monoxide produced from the steam reforming reaction into methanol; a step of subjecting the produced methanol to iodination to obtain iodomethane; and a step of hydrolyzing the produced iodomethane, the thermochemical production method of hydrogen is characterized in that the step of subjecting the methanol to iodination comprises the steps of: (a) reacting methanol and sulfur dioxide with iodine recovered from the hydrolysis of the iodomethane to produce iodomethane and sulfuric acid; (b) decomposing the produced sulfuric acid into sulfur trioxide and water; (c) decomposing the produced sulfur trioxide into sulfur dioxide and oxygen in the presence of a composite catalyst of titania and zirconia; (d) circulating the produced sulfur dioxide to the step(a) to reuse the sulfur dioxide; and (e) circulating water produced in the step(b) to the step of hydrolyzing the iodomethane to reuse the water, wherein a standard Gibbs free energy of the iodomethane reaction step of the methane is maintained as a negative value by decomposition and recombination reactions of sulfuric acid.
© KIPO 2007

G21G 1/10
PCT/US2006/016379LARSEN, Lewis, G.LARSEN, Lewis, G.
Method and apparatus for generating ultra-low momentum neutrons ('ULMNs') using surface plasmon polariton electrons 14, hydrogen isotopes 10, surfaces 20 of metallic substrate 12, collective many-body effects, and weak interactions in a controlled manner. The ULMNs can be used to trigger nuclear transmutationreactions and produce heat. One aspect of the present invention effectively provides a 'transducer' mechanism that permits controllable, low-energy, scalable condensed matter system at comparatively modest temperatures and pressures.

G21C 7/00
low energy nuclear reaction power generator has different cells in which hydrogenous atoms are driven by different methods to increase atom-packing in a lattice and to increase the flux of hydrogenous atoms. An electrolytic cell is provided containing an electrically-conductive electrolyte, a glow discharge cell and a catalyst cell are each provided containing a gas, and a high pressure electrolytic ultrasonic cell is provided including a first section containing a gas and a second section containing an electrolyte, in which is provided an anode-cathode electrode pair. Applied across these electrodes is a train of electrical packets, each comprised of a cluster of pulses. The amplitude and duration of each pulse, the duration of intervals between pulses, and the duration of intervals between successive packets in the train are in a predetermined pattern in accordance with superwaving waves in which each wave is modulated by waves of different frequency.

G21F 1/12
The invention relates to a multilayered construction body protecting against radiation, shielding against gamma and/or particle radiation from high energy and/ornuclear reactions, used as a wall, bottom or ceiling of a radiation protection chamber. According to the invention, the construction body protecting against radiation comprises two carrier layers, between which at least one or optionally two radiation shielding layer(s) is/are arranged in a sandwich-type structure.The first radiation shielding layer is made of a first shielding material reducing the effect of gamma radiation and/or high energy particle radiation and the optional second radiation shielding layer is made of a neturon-moderating and absorbing material. According to the invention, the first and/or second shielding material is provided in the form of a loose or compacted filling material between the first and second carrier layer. The inventive low-cost construction body protecting against radiation can be produced and dismounted in a quick and easy manner and can be easily recycled.

G21B 1/00
2002127551/06Zagnit'ko A.V. (RU)
FIELD: nuclear physics and nuclear engineering; developing basic concepts for harnessing nuclear fusion energy.SUBSTANCE: proposed method intended for harnessing nuclear fusion energy to develop economically efficient and environmentally friendly energy sources includes continuous supply of electrolyte to and its discharge from electrochemical cell with transition metal electrodes, their polarization in the course of electrolysis of heavy water and/or heavy water doped with deuterated hydroxide of alkali metals while passing pulsating current through electrolyte. This current is produced as soon as low dc ripple voltage noticeably exceeding decomposition potential is applied across electrodes. In the process active centers are periodically formed for conducting nuclear fusion reactions at electrode-liquid boundary. They are formed by periodically reversing polarity of low dc ripple voltage and/or films from dendrites of transition metals having fractal structure on electrode surface. These films are formed by continuously dissolving salts or oxides of transition metals in heavy water followed by their electric deposition on electrodes. For running nuclear fusion reactions collapsing microbubbles with light-element atom pairs are generated near and/or on developed electrode surface with active centers. To this end high ripple voltage of 500 to 20 000 V in amplitude , 0.1 to 100 μs in length, and adjustable on-off time ratio of 5 to 50 is periodically applied across anodic and cathodic electrodes.EFFECT: enhanced speed and number of sporadic and uncontrolled nuclear fusion reactionsconducted by proposed method.8 cl, 2 dwg, 1 ex

G21B 1/00
Hydrogen and its isotopes (deuterium and tritium) are easily absorbed intometals like palladium or titanium, forming an interstitial solid solution.In the lowest-lying states, even at high densities, the collisionprobability between two of the absorbed hydrogen isotopes is a vanishing orabsolutely negligible quantity. Nevertheless there are relatively low-lyingexcited states (quantum collision states) for which the overlap probability is non-negligible. Typically, the quantum collision levels are separated from the ground state by energies in the ultraviolet - low X-ray range. Therefore they cannot be accessed by thermal excitations but may beresonantly excited by electromagnetic radiation. This leads to the proposal of a new process for energy production by nuclear fusion reactions: (1) The metal lattice is charged with the hydrogen isotope up to a level inwhich a large of number of the interstitial cages have at least two isotopeunits. (2) The quantum collision states are excited by resonant electromagneticradiation.

20.US6654433 - Method and machine for producingenergy by nuclear fusion reactions25.11.2003
G21G 4/00
09381353Cappelletti, David AnthonyBoscoli, Renzo
An experimental machine (1) for producing low-temperature nuclear fusion reactions, wherein an ion source (3) feeds a flux of positive deuterium ions to a reaction chamber (2) housing a target (5) defined by active elements (30, 31) and by an aggregate of metal sulfate hydrated with heavy water; a pumping assembly (4) being provided to maintain a vacuum in the reaction chamber (2); and the reaction chamber (2) having an accelerating device (10) for accelerating the positive deuterium ions, and which generates an electric field inside the reaction chamber (2) to convey and accelerate the deuterium ions against the active element of the target (5) in such a manner as to initiate nuclear fusion reactions between the incident deuterium ions and some of the atoms of the active element.

G21B 1/00
2001123443/06Gosudarstvennyj nauchnyj tsentr RF Troitskij institut innovatsionnykh i termojadernykh issledovanijNastojashchij A.F.
FIELD: controlled fusion; extracting fusion energy, generating three-dimensional neutron sources (for instance to recover nuclear wastes). SUBSTANCE: method involves irradiation of heavy particles of fuel pellets injected in reactor chamber wherein high pressure of working gas not lower than atmospheric pressure is maintained using laser pulses or beams for the purpose. In the process problems of production of hot plasma, maintenance of inertialess current, and monitoring of plasma-magnetic configuration are solved. Circuit arrangement of magnetic fusion reactor of proposed type enables directly placing the installation in steady state running dispensing with rather sophisticated standard scheme of organizing hot plasma (gas breakdown at low working gas pressure, preheating of plasma with ohmic current, and the like). Proposed reactor enables combining advantages of magnetic heat insulation and near-wall plasma confinement implemented by building up so-called high- pressure gas cushion at plasma boundary. Proposed method may be found useful for installations with magnetic field configuration of tokamak, stellarator, or adiabatic trap type. Near-wall plasma confinement used in tokamaks makes it possible to avoid dangerous instability of discharge failure. As rather high pressure (and density) of plasma can be maintained in proposed reactor (compared with traditional magnetic confinement of plasma), this reactor can be used for conducting fusion reactions at low section of reactions (for instance in case of D+He3 nuclei fusion reaction). EFFECT: enlarged functional capabilities. 1 cl, 1 dwg

G21B 3/00
Hydrogen and its isotopes (deuterium and tritium) are easily absorbed intometals like palladium or titanium, forming an interstitial solid solution.In the lowest-lying states, even at high densities, the collisionprobability between two of the absorbed hydrogen isotopes is a vanishing orabsolutely negligible quantity. Nevertheless there are relatively low-lyingexcited states (quantum collision states) for which the overlap probability is non-negligible. Typically, the quantum collision levels are separated from the ground state by energies in the ultraviolet - low X-ray range. Therefore they cannot be accessed by thermal excitations but may beresonantly excited by electromagnetic radiation. This leads to the proposal of a new process for energy production by nuclear fusion reactions: (1) The metal lattice is charged with the hydrogen isotope up to a level inwhich a large of number of the interstitial cages have at least two isotopeunits. (2) The quantum collision states are excited by resonant electromagneticradiation.

C25B 1/04
97111995/06Evsjukov Gennadij AleksandrovichEvsjukov G.A.
FIELD: production of hydrogen and oxygen by water electrolysis, possibly in power engineering and other industry branches. SUBSTANCE: plant includes unit for electrolysis of water and for producing hydrogen and oxygen; said unit is connected with nuclear reactor realizing reactions for low-temperature nuclearsynthesis. Plant also includes unit for energy conversion and for producing electric power. Nuclear synthesis is realized due to radiation capture of slow electrons by means of reagent. Produced nuclear energy is converted to electric energy used for water electrolysis. EFFECT: manufacture of ecologically safe chemical combustible. 2 cl, 3 dwg

G21C 1/02
97104664/06Evsjukov Gennadij AleksandrovichEvsjukov G.A.
FIELD: novel energy sources for nuclear power engineering. SUBSTANCE: source has nuclear reactor, heat-transfer apparatus, circulating pumps, turbogenerator, condenser, feed pump, control system, protective system, servicing systems, generator, and neutron multiplier. Nuclear reactor is divided into two regions. First region is designed for reactions of heavy-nuclear fission and second one, for low-temperature nuclear fusion. Power is controlled by inflow and outflow of heavy water. EFFECT: reduced cost of natural materials used as nuclear fuel; reduced amount of radioactive wastes. 3 dwg

G21B 1/00
An experimental machine (1) for producing low-temperature nuclear fusion reactions, wherein an ion source (3) feeds a flux of positive deuterium ions to a reaction chamber (2) housing a target (5) defined by active elements (30, 31) and by an aggregate of metal sulfates hydrated with heavy water; a pumping assembly (4) being provided to maintain a vacuum in the reaction chamber (2); and the reaction chamber (2) having an accelerating device (10) for accelerating the positive deuterium ions, and which generates an electric field inside the reaction chamber (2) to convey and accelerate the deuterium ions against the active element of the target (5) in such a manner as to initiate nuclear fusion reactions between the incident deuterium ions and some of the atoms of the active element.
© KIPO & WIPO 2007

G21B 1/00
An experimental machine (1) for producing low-temperature nuclear fusion reactions, wherein an ion source (3) feeds a flux of positive deuterium ions to a reaction chamber (2) housing a target (5) defined by active elements (30, 31) and by an aggregate of metal sulfates hydrated with heavy water;a pumping assembly (4) being provided to maintain a vacuum in the reaction chamber (2);and the reaction chamber (2) having an accelerating device (10) for accelerating the positive deuterium ions, and which generates an electric field inside the reaction chamber (2) to convey and accelerate the deuterium ions against the active element of the target (5) in such a manner as to initiate nuclear fusion reactions between the incident deuterium ions and some of the atoms of the active element.

27.CN1251199 - Method and machine for producingenergy19.04.2000
H05H 1/22
98803492.1Boscoli RenzoBoscoli Renzo
An experimental machine (1) for producing low-temperature nuclear fusion reactions, wherein an ion source (3) feeds a flux of positive deuterium ions to a reaction chamber (2) housing a target (5) defined by active elements (30, 31) and by an aggregate of metal sulfates hydrated with heavy water; a pumping assembly (4) being provided to maintain a vacuum in the reaction chamber; and the reaction chamber (2) having an accelerating device (10) for accelerating the positive deuterium ions, and which generates an electric field inside the reaction chamber to convey and accelerate the deuterium ions against the active element of the target (5) in such a manner as to initiate nuclear fusion reactions between the incident deuterium ions and some of the atoms of the active element.

H05H 1/22
An experimental machine (1) for producing low-temperature nuclear fusion reactions, wherein an ion source (3) feeds a flux of positive deuterium ions to a reaction chamber (2) housing a target (5) defined by active elements (30, 31) and by an aggregate of metal sulfates hydrated with heavy water; a pumping assembly (4) being provided to maintain a vacuum in the reaction chamber (2); and the reaction chamber (2) having an accelerating device (10) for accelerating the positive deuterium ions, and which generates an electric field inside the reaction chamber (2) to convey and accelerate the deuterium ions against the active element of the target (5) in such a manner as to initiate nuclear fusion reactions between the incident deuterium ions and some of the atoms of the active element.

29.US5976066 - Neutron capture therapies02.11.1999
A61N 5/00
08919870Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyYanch Jacquelyn C.
In one embodiment there is provided an application of the .sup.10 B(n,.alpha.).sup.7 Li nuclear reaction or other neutron capture reactions for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. This application, called Boron Neutron Capture Synovectomy (BNCS), requires substantially altered demands on neutron beam design than for instance treatment of deep seated tumors. Considerations for neutron beam design for the treatment of arthritic joints via BNCS are provided for, and comparisons with the design requirements for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) of tumors are made. In addition, exemplary moderator/reflector assemblies are provided which produce intense, high-quality neutron beams based on (p,n) accelerator-based reactions. In another embodiment there is provided the use of deuteron-based charged particle reactions to be used as sources for epithermal or thermal neutron beams for neutron capture therapies. Many d,n reactions (e.g. using deuterium, tritium or beryllium targets) are very prolific at relatively low deuteron energies. -GOVT PAC SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION PAR This invention was made with government support under Contract No. DE-FG02-89ER60874 awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy and under Grant No. R43AR43680 awarded by the NIH. The government has certain rights in the invention.

G21B 1/00
95120227/25Evsjukov Gennadij AleksandrovichEvsjukov G.A.
FIELD: nuclear power engineering. SUBSTANCE: energy source designed for exothermic nuclear reactions has turbogenerator, main neutron generator emitting neutrons due to irradiation of heavy water by gamma-rays coming from chemical agent, neutron multiplier, fusion reactor, control system, safety system, and maintenance systems. Chemical agents used in the process are lithium - 7, boron - 11, nitrogen - 15, fluorine - 19, sodium - 23, magnesium - 24, aluminum - 27, silicon - 28, phosphor - 31, sulfur - 32, chloride - 35, potassium - 39, calcium - 40, and scandium - 45. Irradiation of nuclei of mentioned elements with neutrons passed through moderator causes entrapping of neutrons, negative beta-disintegration, production of nuclei having greater atomic number than original nucleus, and merging of nucleons into tetrads initiating energy release. Processes used for low-temperature nuclear fusion involve irradiation of source material placed in nuclearreactor by thermal neutrons. Reactions occurring inside nuclei of source material cause entrapping of neutrons, increasing of atomic number, and merging of nucleons into tetrads initiating energy release. EFFECT: provision for producing nuclear energy for exothermic low-temperature nuclear fusion. 3 cl, 2 dwg, 2 tbl

31.US5870447 - Method and apparatus for generating low energy nuclear particles09.02.1999
G21G 1/10
08774669Brookhaven Science AssociatesPowell James R.
A particle accelerator (12) generates an input particle beam having an initial energy level above a threshold for generating secondary nuclear particles. A thin target (14) is rotated in the path of the input beam for undergoing nuclear reactions to generate the secondary particles and correspondingly decrease energy of the input beam to about the threshold. The target (14) produces low energy secondary particles and is effectively cooled by radiation and conduction. A neutron scatterer (44) and a neutron filter (42) are also used for preferentially degrading the secondary particles into a lower energy range if desired. -GOVT PAR This invention was made with Government support under contract number DE-AC02-76CH00016, awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The Government has certain rights in the invention.

G21B 3/00
PCT/IB1998/000388BOSCOLI, RenzoBOSCOLI, Renzo
An experimental machine (1) for producing low-temperature nuclear fusion reactions, wherein an ion source (3) feeds a flux of positive deuterium ions to a reaction chamber (2) housing a target (5) defined by active elements (30, 31) and by an aggregate of metal sulfates hydrated with heavy water; a pumping assembly (4) being provided to maintain a vacuum in the reaction chamber (2); and the reaction chamber (2) having an accelerating device (10) for accelerating the positive deuterium ions, and which generates an electric field inside the reaction chamber (2) to convey and accelerate the deuterium ions against the active element of the target (5) in such a manner as to initiate nuclear fusion reactions between the incident deuterium ions and some of the atoms of the active element.

33.US5547454 - Ion-induced nuclear radiotherapy20.08.1996
A61N 5/00
08147681Sandia CorporationHorn Kevin M.
Ion-induced Nuclear Radiotherapy (INRT) is a technique for conducting radiosurgery and radiotherapy with a very high degree of control over the spatial extent of the irradiated volume and the delivered dose. Based upon the concept that low energy, ion induced atomic and nuclear reactions can be used to produce highly energetic reaction products at the site of a tumor, the INRT technique is implemented through the use of a conduit-needle or tube which conducts a low energy ion beam to a position above or within the intended treatment area. At the end of the conduit-needle or tube is a specially fabricated target which, only when struck by the ion beam, acts as a source of energetic radiation products. The inherent limitations in the energy, and therefore range, of the resulting reaction products limits the spatial extent of irradiation to a pre-defined volume about the point of reaction. Furthermore, since no damage is done to tissue outside this irradiated volume, the delivered dose may be made arbitrarily large. INRT may be used both as a point-source of radiation at the site of a small tumor, or as a topical bath of radiation to broad areas of diseased tissue. -GOVT PAC GOVERNMENT RIGHTS PAR The Government has rights to this invention pursuant to Contract No. DE-AC04-76DP00789 awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy.

G21G 1/00
94024136/25Aktsionernoe obshchestvo "Ritm-Fond"Bolotov B.A.[UA]
FIELD: nuclear physics of low energies within range from units of electronvolts up to hundreds of megaelectronvolts. SUBSTANCE: plant for nucleartransformation of light elements of ferromagnetic substances includes induction furnace designed to melt nuclear components and pulse circuits to create high-strength pulse current up to 106-7 A/sq mm and magnetic fields (up to hundred tesla). Thanks to presence of superpower ampere forces acting between ions of melted substances encounters of atoms and nuclear transformations with release or absorption of energy take place. Noninductive windings without which action of current pulses is practically impossible are used for the first time in proposed plant. proposed plant exhibits certain versatility. It can carry out various nuclearreactions which do not lead to formation of radionuclides. Plant is suitable both for generation of thermal power and for production of substances, including platinum group and rare-earth substances. EFFECT: high degree of safety and ecological purity.

35.US4724127 - Method for recovery of actinides from refractory oxides thereof using O.sub. F.sub.209.02.1988
C01G 43/06
07016483The United States of America as represented by the United States Department of EnergyAsprey Larned B.
Method for recovery of actinides from nuclear waste material containing sintered and other oxides thereof using O.sub.2 F.sub.2 to generate the hexafluorides of the actinides present therein. The fluorinating agent, O.sub.2 F.sub.2, has been observed to perform the above-described tasks at sufficiently low temperatures that there is virtually no damage to the containment vessels. Moreover, the resulting actinide hexafluorides are not destroyed by high temperature reactions with the walls of the reaction vessel. Dioxygen difluoride is readily prepared, stored and transferred to the place of reaction.

36.US4622201 - Gas-target method for the production of iodine-12311.11.1986
G21G 1/10
06409376Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.Robertson Robert
Charged-particles in the 45-15 MeV energy range incident upon isotopically enriched xenon-124 gas in a gas-target assembly cause nuclear reactions which yield radioactive xenon-123. The xenon-123, decaying either in the target assembly or in a decay vessel removed from the target assembly, yields iodine-123 with very low levels of radioactive contaminants.

37.US4193855 - Isotope separation by multiphoton dissociation of methylamine with an infrared laser18.03.1980
B01D 59/00
05892228Allied Chemical CorporationTuccio Sam A.
Methylamine (CH.sub.3 NH.sub.2) is dissociated into CH.sub.3 .multidot. and NH.sub.2 .multidot. radicals when irradiated with the output from an infrared laser. Ammonia (NH.sub.3) is then formed inherently through radical and molecular collisions. By tuning the laser to the appropriate frequency, the dissociation process is isotopically selective. As a consequence, ammonia, or other nitrogen containing compounds, are obtained which are selectively enriched in .sup.14 N or .sup.15 N. Carbon isotopes may be separated with essentially the same technique. .sup. PAC BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION PAR 1. Field of the Invention PAR The present invention relates to enrichment and separation of isotopes, in particular .sup.14 N and .sup.15 N, and .sup.12 C and .sup.13 C by multiphoton dissociation of methylamine. PAR 2. Description of the Prior Art PAR The projected use of .sup.15 N in the nuclear industry is expected to reach 500,000 kg/year. Major use is in fuel pellets and cladding in uranium and plutonium nuclear reactors. Also, .sup.15 N and .sup.13 C are presently used as tracers in the fields of medicine and research. Low cost schemes for separating these isotopes are accordingly required. PAR Ambartsumyan et al. in Vol. 17, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters, pp. 63-65 (1973) disclose isotope separation of .sup.14 N and .sup.15 N by a two-step photodissociation of .sup.14 NH.sub.3 and .sup.15 NH.sub.3, in which monochromatic radiation of a frequency .nu..sub.1 selectively excites a vibrational transition of molecules of only one isotopic composition. The molecules are simultaneously illuminated with light of frequency .nu..sub.2, the quantum energy of which is sufficient for photodissociation of only the vibrationally excited molecules. However, this is a costly process and provides a possibility of isotopic scrambling due to four different intermediate chemical reactions. PAR Robinson et al. in U.S. Pat. No. 4,049,515, issued Sept. 20, 1977, disclose laser isotope separation schemes by multiple photon absorption. Briefly, the schemes involve irradiating a molecular species having at least two isotopes of an element with infrared laser light of a frequency which selectively excites to a vibrational level only those molecules of the molecular species containing a particular isotope. Use of multiple photon absorption produces a sufficiently energetic vibrational state such that the molecules containing the particular isotope undergo a chemical reaction, such as dissociation or reaction with a second molecular species. The patent discloses two examples for which laser induced enrichment was obtained; namely the enrichment of .sup.34 S in natural SF.sub.6 and .sup.11 B in natural BCl.sub.3. However, there is no teaching therein of a method for selecting a candidate molecular species from the essentially infinite number of species which exist for any given element for which the process of Robinson et al. is applicable. When a molecule is subjected to infrared radiation in the manner taught by Robinson et al., the isotopic shift is generally masked by other vibrational modes or, if unmasked, has a magnitude lower than that required for isotope separation. In addition, it has not been possible to precisely predict the manner in which a molecule will dissociate or react with other species when subjected to high intensity infrared radiation. Hence, no general method can be given for devising a laser-chemical reaction system which will effect removal of the desired isotopic species. As a result, it has heretofore not been possible to predict which molecules lend themselves to laser isotope separation by multiple photon absorption. PAR Although present usage of .sup.15 N is small, projected use in core elements of liquid-metal fast breeder reactors is considerable, as mentioned above. Current separation of .sup.15 N is accomplished by NO distillation, or by chemical exchange between NO and HNO.sub.3. The latter process has an enrichment factor of about 1.055. The only proposed separation of nitrogen isotopes with a laser discussed above (Ambartsumyan et al.) suggests an isotopic enrichment factor of about 4. However, the considerable potential for isotopic scrambling renders the proposed process unsuitable on a commercial scale. PAR Carbon isotopes are presently separated by lowtemperature distillation of carbon monoxide and by gas phase thermal diffusion of methane. The carbon monoxide process for separating .sup.13 C is based on a vapor pressure differential that yields an enrichment factor of about 1.011. PAC SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION PAR The present invention provides a process for obtaining nitrogen containing compounds which are enriched in a particular isotope of nitrogen. The process comprises exposing gaseous methylamine containing two or more isotopes of nitrogen to substantially monochromatic infrared laser radiation. The frequency of the infrared radiation is coincident with a vibration absorption band of the methylamine, producing dissociation of the methylamine into CH.sub.3 .multidot. and NH.sub.2 .multidot. radicals. Through molecular and radical collisions, the NH.sub.2 .multidot. radicals abstract a hydrogen atom, forming ammonia. The addition of other gaseous materials, such as oxygen, can be added to the methylamine to scavenge the NH.sub.2 .multidot. radicals to form other nitrogen containing compounds. The process is accomplished isotopically selectively by employing a vibrational band which exhibits an isotope shift. Specifically, .sup.15 NH.sub.3 was obtained with an enrichment factor of 1.65. PAR The process provided herein may be directly applied to the enrichment of carbon isotopes by slightly modifying the wavelength of the laser radiation employed.

38.US4140601 - Multi-step chemical and radiation process20.02.1979
B01J 1/10
05667610Texas Gas Transmission CorporationGomberg Henry J.
A process which utilizes radiation energy, preferably that obtained from a fusion reaction and which includes selecting starting chemical materials having at least two molecules such as calcium bromide and water which contain as a part thereof a desired product H.sub.2, a by-product O.sub.2 and which chemically form an active material HBr that may be dissociated by radiation. A two step process permits the radiolytically dissociated Br to react with residual molecules to form and recycle the starting material CaBr.sub.2. A combination of thermochemical and radiolytic reactions such as available in nuclear reactions therefore produces a greater yield of a desired end product such as hydrogen, also producing a by-product such as oxygen from a low cost expendable source material such as water, and reforms the starting material. Also the process provides for convenient separation of the desired end products.

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