
May 24, 2013

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART2:3月のTEST(その3)



Analysis of data obtained with the E-Cat HT2
The E-Cat HT2 was started approximately at 3:00 p.m. on March 18.


The initial power input was about 120 W, gradually stepping up in the course of the following two hours, until a value suitable for triggering the self-sustaining mode was reached.

初期電力入力は、約120 Wであった、徐々に、次の2時間の間にステップアップ、自立モードをトリガするのに適した値に達するまで。

From then onwards, and for the following 114 hours, input power was no longer manually adjusted, and the ON/OFF cycles of the resistor coils followed one another at almost constant time intervals.

その後以降から、そして、次の114時間、入力電力は、もはや手動で調整されなかった、そして、抵抗コイルのON /OFFサイクルは、ほぼ一定の時間間隔で互いに続いた。

During the coil ON states, the instantaneous power absorbed by the E-Cat HT2 and the control box together was visible on the PCE-830 LCD display.

コイルON状態の間に、E-キャットHT2とコントロールボックスによって吸収される瞬時電力は、一緒にPCE-830 LCDディスプレイに表示されていた。

This value, with some fluctuations in time, remained in any case within a range of 910-930 W.

この値は、時間内にいくつかの変動をともない、それは910から930 Wの範囲内のいずれの場合にも残った。

By checking the video image relevant to the PCE-830 LCD display, we were also able to estimate the length of the ON/OFF intervals: with reference to the entire duration of the test, the resistor coils were on for about 35% of the time, and off for the remaining 65%.

PCE-830 LCDディスプレイに関連したビデオ画像を確認することで、我々はまた、ON/ OFFの間隔の長さを推定することができました:試験の全期間を参照すると、抵抗コイルは、時間の約35%の間ONであった、残りの65%の間OFFであった。

The PCE-830 LCD display showed the length of the ON/OFF intervals: with reference to the entire duration of the test, the resistor coils were on for about 35% of the time, and off for the remaining 65%.

PCE-830 LCDディスプレイは、ON/ OFFの間隔の長さを示しました:試験の全期間を参照すると、抵抗コイルは、時間の約35%の間ONであった、残りの65%の間OFFであった。
As in the case of the dummy, in order to determine the average temperatures for the E-Cat HT2 we opted to divide its thermal images into five areas, plus another one for the “top”.


An analysis of various time segments (about five hours each), taken in the course of each day of the test, revealed that the behavior of the device remained more or less constant, and became quite stable especially from the third day onwards.


Using the same procedure as before, we obtained an average temperature for each of the five areas, thereafter resorting to equations (5), (9), and (10) in order to calculate power emitted by radiation and convection, respectively.


Fig. 14. 5-area division of the E-Cat HT2 image.


The flange does not appear in the image because the display range chosen for the IR camera does not account for objects colder than 150°C.


Emissivity values for each area were adjusted in each IR camera video sample thanks to the continuing presence of dots: according to position and time, the found values for ε fluctuated between a low of 0.76 and a high of 0.80.

各領域の放射率の値は、各IRカメラ映像サンプルの中で調整された、ドットの継続的な存在のおかげである:位置と時間に応じて、εのため検出された値は、低い 0.76 と 高い 0.80の間で変動した。

Areas subject to the most intense heat were seen to have slightly higher emissivity with respect to peripheral ones, and all showed a slight upward trend as the test progressed, probably because of a change in the properties of the paint.

In order to account for a certain degree of arbitrariness inherent in this method of evaluation, it was decided to assign a reference temperature to the various areas into which the E-Cat HT2 had been divided.


This was obtained by assigning to all areas the most frequently found value for ε and associating a percentage error to it.


This error is the result of the difference between two extreme values, namely the temperature obtained by assigning to all areas the lowest level of emissivity ever found in any one of them (= 0.76), and the temperature obtained assigning to all areas the highest value for ε ever found (= 0.80).

このエラーは、二つの極端な値の間の差の結果である、すなわち、温度は、すべての領域に、それらのいずれかでこれまでに見つかった放射率の最低レベル (= 0.76)を、割り当てることによって得られた、さらに、温度は、全てのエリアに、これまでに見つかったεの最高値(=0.80)を割り当てることで得られた。

Tables 7 and 8 summarize the results: the first refers to the average of temperatures in each of the five areas for different values of ε, whereas the second gives the average values of power emitted by radiation (E) and convection (Q) for different values of ε, while taking into account the sum performed on the five areas.

表7及び表8に結果をまとめる : まず、εの異なる値のための5つの領域の各々の温度の平均値を指す、対して、第二は、εの異なる値ための放射線(E)と対流(Q)によって放出されるパワーの平均値をを与えます、5つの領域で実行される合計を考慮しながらである。


Table 7. Average temperatures relevant to the divisions into five areas of the E-Cat HT2’s cylindrical body, calc
ulated according to average values of emissivity (first row), absolute minimal values (second row), and absolute maximum values (third row), collated by taking into consideration all the areas and all the analyzed time intervals.


The last column gives the averages of the previous values for each of the five areas.


Table 8. Emitted power values by radiation (E) and by convection (Q) for different values of ε.


The numbers are computed from the power average of all five areas, minus the E_room component arising from the contributing factor of ambient temperature.

The error associable to the average value of emitted power may be got by taking into account the difference between what is obtained by attributing to each area the highest possible and the lowest possible value for ε.



(752.0-736.6)/741.3 = 2% (23)

As may be inferred from the last value above, the uncertainty regarding emissivity does not weigh much upon the results, and should therefore be considered a parameter of lesser critical import than what was originally estimated.

The average temperature relevant to the “top”, as well as its average emissivity, turned out to be extremely constant over time, with values of 224.8 °C and 0.88, respectively.


We can therefore associate them with a value of irradiated power E-E_room = 17 [W].

そこで我々は、照射パワーの値 E-E_room= 17[W] とそれを関連付けることができます。
At this point, all the contributing factors relevant to the thermal power of the E-Cat HT2 areavailable, i.e. the power emitted by the cylindrical body through radiation and convection, the power emitted by radiation by the “top”, and the set of missing factors (conduction, “top” convection, flange radiation and convection).


It is now possible to obtain a complete estimate:

Emitted PowerE-Cat HT2 = (741.3 + 17 + 58) [W] = (816.3± 2%) [W] = (816±16) [W] (24)


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