
Aug 20, 2018

The Japanese government's view is fair.

The Japanese government's view is fair on "unilateral recommendation by  The Committee Against Torture in United Nations" .

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Comments by the Government of Japan regarding the Concluding observations on the third to fifth periodic reports of the Republic of Korea issued on 12 May 2017 (CAT/C/KOR/CO/3-5) 

1. The Committee Against Torture (CAT) referred to “sexual slavery” during World War II in paragraphs 47 and 48 of the Concluding Observations to the Government of the Republic of Korea (ROK) issued on 12 May, and recommended in paragraph 48 (d) that the State party should “(r)evise the Agreement of 28 December 2015 between the Republic of Korea and Japan in order to ensure that the surviving victims of sexual slavery during World War II are provided with redress, including the right to compensation and rehabilitation and the right to truth, reparation and assurances of non-repetitions, in keeping with article 14 of the Convention.”

2. The Government of Japan has sincerely dealt with issues of reparations, property and claims pertaining to the Second World War under the San Francisco Peace Treaty, which the Government of Japan concluded with 45 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and France, and through other bilateral treaties, agreements and instruments. These issues including those of claims of individuals, have already been legally settled with the parties to these treaties, agreements and instruments. (With regard to the ROK, it was confirmed in the 1965 Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea Concerning the Settlement of Problems in Regard to Property and Claims and Economic Cooperation that the issues concerning property and claims “have been settled completely and finally.” The Government of Japan, in accordance with the said Agreement, provided 500 million US dollars to the ROK as economic cooperation.)

3. Additionally, since the 1990s, the Government of Japan has extended its utmost cooperation to the projects of the Asian Women’s Fund (AWF), which carried out “medical and welfare support projects” and provided “atonement money” (for a total of 5 million yen per person in the ROK and Taiwan and 3.2 million yen in the Philippines) to offer realistic relief to former comfort women who are now advanced in years. When the atonement money as well as the medical and welfare support were provided, the then-Prime Ministers (namely, PM Ryutaro Hashimoto, PM Keizo Obuchi, PM Yoshiro Mori and PM Junichiro Koizumi), sent a signed letter (see attachment) expressing apologies and remorse directly to each former comfort woman. As a result of such efforts, the 1998 Japan-ROK Joint Declaration—A New Japan-Republic of Korea Partnership towards the Twenty-first Century—called upon both countries “to build a future-oriented relationship based on reconciliation as well as good-neighborly and friendly cooperation.”

4. As the comfort women issue became a political matter between the two countries despite such efforts, the Government of Japan and the Government of the ROK held intensive consultations on this issue toward an early conclusion to realize the healing of the former comfort women, who were already advanced in years. The Foreign Ministries of both nations had a meeting on December 28, 2015, and finally reached an agreement on this issue. ( With this agreement, the two Governments confirmed that the comfort women issue is resolved “finally and irreversibly.” In addition, in accordance with the agreement, the Government of Korea established a foundation for the purpose of providing support for the former comfort women and the Government of Japan contributed 1 billion yen to the foundation.

5. This Japan-ROK agreement has not only been welcomed by the international community, including Mr. Ban Ki-moon, then Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the Government of the United States of America, as well as appreciated by the media in the European and American countries, including the New York Times, but has also been positively received by many former comfort women in the ROK. Under the cooperation between Japan and the ROK, projects have been carried out for recovering the honor and dignity and healing the psychological wounds of former comfort women. So far, among the 46 former comfort women who were alive at the time of the agreement, 34 former comfort women have already agreed to the projects, of which 32 women have actually received such support as medical care and welfare support. It is thus important that the agreement is steadily implemented for the sake of former comfort women who are now advanced in years.

6. As stated above, the agreement is the result of considerable diplomatic efforts and is already being implemented. The review of the agreement makes it difficult to continue the ongoing medical and welfare projects and hinders the healing of the psychological wounds of the former comfort women. From this perspective, the Government of Japan strongly believes that the report, which contains unilateral recommendations to revise this agreement, is not acceptable, and will not serve to heal the psychological wounds of the former comfort women.

7. Although this review was carried out for the ROK, the CAT did not offer Japan, the other party to the bilateral agreement, any opportunity to inform or express its position on the agreement, which has been implemented by both Japan and ROK during the review process. Also the Committee has issued a unilateral recommendation that the agreement does not fully comply with the Convention and should be revised, relying largely on the comments from some civil societies, without proper assessment on the relationship between Japan and the ROK. Japan strongly holds the view that such review procedures by the CAT are unfair and improper. Further, the expression “sexual slavery” contradicts the facts and is therefore inappropriate. The expression “sexual slavery” does not appear in the agreement between the Governments of Japan and the ROK either. From these perspectives, Japan strongly disagrees with the content of paragraphs 47 and 48(d) concerning the comfort women issue in the final observation of the CAT.

 8. From the perspective of recovering the honor and dignity and healing the psychological wounds of the former comfort women, it is extremely important that the projects based on the agreement continue to be implemented steadily. The Government of Japan asks the Committee to observe the implementation of the agreement and not to hinder the implementation of the agreement, which is the outcome achieved through immense diplomatic efforts of the Government of Japan.


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1. 拷問禁止委員会は,5月12日に公表した韓国政府に対する最終見解パラ47~48にお いて,「性奴隷」について言及し,パラ48(d)においては,「加盟国は,条約第14条に沿 って,生存している第二次世界大戦中の性奴隷被害者に対し,補償及び社会復帰への 権利,真実の権利,賠償及び再発防止の確保といった是正処置が確実に提供されるよ う,2015年12月28日の大韓民国と日本との間の合意を見直すべきである」と勧告し た。

2. 先の大戦に関わる賠償並びに財産及び請求権の問題について,日本政府は,米,英, 仏等45か国との間で締結したサンフランシスコ平和条約及びその他二国間の条約等に 従って誠実に対応してきており,これらの条約等の当事国との間では,個人の請求権の 問題も含めて,法的には解決済みである。(韓国とは,1965年の財産及び請求権に関 する問題の解決並びに経済協力に関する日本国と大韓民国との間の協定で,日韓間の 財産・請求権の問題が「完全かつ最終的に解決された」ことを確認し,同協定に基づき, 日本政府は韓国政府に5億ドルの経済協力を実施した。)

3. 加えて,日本政府は,1990年代以降,既に高齢になられた元慰安婦の方々の現実的 な救済を図るため,元慰安婦の方々への医療・福祉支援事業や「償い金」の支給等(合 計金額は,一人当たり500万円(韓国・台湾),320万円(フィリピン))を行うアジア女性 基金(AWF)の事業に対し,最大限の協力を行ってきた。また,AWFから個々の慰安婦 に対して「償い金」及び医療・福祉支援が提供された際,その当時の内閣総理大臣(橋本 龍太郎内閣総理大臣,小渕恵三内閣総理大臣,森喜朗内閣総理大臣及び小泉純一郎 内閣総理大臣)は,自筆の署名を付したお詫びと反省を表明した手紙(別添)をそれぞれ の元慰安婦に直接送ってきた。こうした努力の結果,1998年の日韓共同宣言-21世紀 に向けた新たな日韓パートナーシップ-では、「未来志向的な関係を発展させるためにお 互いに努力することが時代の要請である」とされた。 ( )

4. このような取組にもかかわらず,日韓間において慰安婦問題が改めて政治的な問題とな ったことも踏まえ,既に高齢となっている元慰安婦の方々の癒やしを早期に実現するた め,日韓両政府は,真剣に協議を行い,多大なる外交努力を経て,2015年12月,慰安 婦問題に関する合意に達した。これにより,同問題が「最終的かつ不可逆的」に解決され ることが確認された( ) のみならず,同合意に基づき,韓国政府は元慰安婦の方々のための事業を実施する財 団を設立し,日本政府は同財団に対し10億円の支出を行った。

5. この日韓合意については,潘基文国連事務総長(当時)を始め,米国政府を含む国際社 会が歓迎し,欧米メディア(ニューヨークタイムズ等)も高く評価しているのみならず,韓国 人元慰安婦の多くも肯定的に評価している。現在,日韓の協力の下で,元慰安婦の方々 の名誉と尊厳の回復,心の傷の癒やしのための事業を実施しているところであり,これま で合意の時点で生存していた元慰安婦46名のうち,既に34名が事業に賛成し,そのう ち既に32名が医療や介護といった支援を実際に受けている。このように既に高齢となっ ている元慰安婦のためにも,引き続き合意が着実に実施されることが重要である。

6. このように,日韓両政府が多大なる外交努力の末に達成し,既に実施されている合意を 見直すこととなれば,合意に基づき実施されている医療や介護といった事業の継続も困 難となり,元慰安婦の方々の癒やしにむしろ逆行するものである。それにもかかわらず, 拷問禁止委員会が今回のような一方的な勧告を行い,多くの元慰安婦の方々の心の安 寧を害するようなことは日本として断じて受け入れられない。

7. 拷問禁止委員会が,対韓国審査であるとはいえ,審査の過程において,現在まさに日韓 両国が実施中の二国間の慰安婦合意について,一方の当事者である我が国には通報 や説明機会を与えず,また,一部の市民団体等の意見のみを受けて,合意に係る十分 な評価を行わないまま,合意が拷問禁止条約の規定に照らして不十分であるとの一方 的な認識を示し,合意を見直すべきであるとする勧告を出したことは,公正さを欠き,また, 手続的に不適切であるとも言わざるを得ない。また,慰安婦を「性奴隷」と称することは事 実に反するので,不適切である。日韓合意においても,「性奴隷」という用語は使われて いない。このような観点から,我が国は,拷問禁止委員会による最終見解の慰安婦問題 に関するパラ47及び48(d)の内容に同意することはできない旨強く申し入れる。

8. 元慰安婦の方々の名誉と尊厳の回復,心の傷の癒やしを達成するためにも,現在,合意 に基づく事業が引き続き着実に実施されることが極めて重要であり,拷問禁止委員会委 員におかれては,この点につき十分理解の上,日韓両国政府の多大な外交努力の成果 である合意の実施を害するのではなく,見守っていただきたい。
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