
Oct 15, 2016

Review of the neutron generator of KOSHIRYOKU Lab.


(from "KOUSHIRYOKU" to "KOSHIRYOKU" for English people easy to speak. Oct. 13, 2016)

I participated in ICCF20. I announced the simulation results of the neutron generator. I received the criticism from professors, scientists and engineers. I wrote them.  There are also answers that could not be answered on the spot of the presentation for the sake of my poor English.


C1. the neutron is not easily generated in the collision of protons and electrons

A1. Yes. I know that the incidence of neutrons will only get by  the experiment. Now I can only calculate with expected values. I heard it is very difficult to generate a neutron from protons and electrons. But I can't find the document to describe the detail of it. Because there are the beta plus decay and the electron capture in the radioactive decay table,  it seems that there is a possibility to make a neutron.


C2. The cost of facilities  is too high by too high voltage, 0.78[MegaVolt]
(0.78[MegaVolt] の電圧が高すぎて設備コストが高すぎるのでは)

A2. The voltage is high, but current is minimal. So, the power (= voltage * current) is also small in the experiment. It does not matter in a pulsed current. The combination of the usual step-up circuit and the Cockcroft–Walton circuit can achieve 0.78 million volts. You can get 1 million volts by the stun gun at about 200 dollar in the

(電圧は高くとも電流は極小です。実験では電力は少なくてかまいません。パルス電流でかまいません。通常の昇圧回路とコッククロフト-ウォルトン回路の組み合わせで0.78[MegaVolt]を達成てきます。アマゾン.comで 2万円ぐらいで買えるスタンガンは、100万ボルトの出力とされています。)

C3. this is a hot fusion, not a cold fusion because of too high the voltage as 0.78 [MegaVolt]

A3. The temperature (116,000,000 [K]) of the Tomakaku type of hot fusion reactor is converted into only 10,000 [V]. 0.78 [MegaVolt] is 78 times of 10,000 [V]. It will go on the double-digit. I think that one of the reasons of the lack of reproducibility of cold fusion is a too weak stimulus to trigger the reaction. 0.78 [MegaVolt] is equivalent to the mass difference of the neutron and the pair of protons and electrons. It is impossible to make a neutron from from the protons and electrons without this energy because there is a law of conservation of mass and energy. This is a simulation calculation. It is not difficult to give sufficient stimulus that matches the standard physics in the simulation. In addition to the current is very small, it is possible to build the entire device in a small, I believe to be able to experiment at room temperature in the room. I think that there is an energy release by the mass defect in the nucleus scale of the cold fusion at a room temperature experiment as same as the law of physics of the hot fusion.

(実際のトマカク型の熱核融合炉の温度(116,000,000 [K])を電圧に換算するとたったの10,000 [eV]です。0.78[MegaVolt]はその78倍ですから、2桁も大幅に上を行きます。私は、これまでの常温核融合の再現性のないことの原因の一つは、反応の引き金となる刺激が弱すぎたことであると考えています。0.78[MegaVolt]は、陽子と電子の組と中性子の質量差に相当します。質量とエネルギーの保存則からこのエネルギーがないと陽子と電子の組から中性子を作ることはできません。これはシミュレーション計算ですから、既存物理学に合致した十分な刺激を確実に与えることは難しくありません。また電流が極小であるために、装置全体を小型にできるので、常温の室内で実験できると考えています。私は、常温核融合でも原子核スケールでは、熱核融合と同等の質量欠損によるエネルギー解放がされていると考えています。)

C4. The expected collision to cause a nuclear fusion by  high a voltage 0.78 [MegaVolt] does not occur.  The energy of too high a voltage will disappear as heat.

(0.78 [MegaVolt] の高すぎる電圧のエネルギーはすべて熱となって消えて核融合を引き起こす衝突は起きない)

A4. You can specify the probability of heat in the simulation calculation. The correct probability is obly gotten in the real experiment.


C5. Calculation example of the Coulomb barrier of proton and proton collision seems to be olny a 40 [Volt]


A5. There will be a good result in the experiment with the lowe voltage of the 40 [Volt] if true. We notice  the probability of an event is important by the uncertainty principle of the laws of physics. How much probability is the 40 [Volt] for?


C6. Protons can not discharge but Electrons can easy discharge. Protons might be able to discharge if  taking well the position of the electrical ground. Protons will not discharge by the impedance or the resistance of the circuit.


A6. Thanks to the advice. The minimum requirement in the conceptual diagram is the collision of protons and electrons, not the discharge of protons. But if we can get the discharge of protons, it is possible to discharge  deuterium nuclei and to collide of deuterium nuclei on the opposite electrode. It should be realized someday to discharge protons in inexpensive and simple device like this.


C7. Experimental apparatus itself will be able to be build in about $5,000. However measuring device is expensive.


A7. Thanks to the advice. I'm looking for a laboratory that can do the real experiment.


C8. The high voltage electrical engineers has not an experience to absorb the hydrogen into electrode metal.


A8. Thanks to the advice. For example, I think it is necessary to help by the engineers of nickel-metal hydride battery.


C9. Palladium is the best of the metal with hydrogen permeability. The hydrogen permeability of nickel is weaker than palladium. There is not a pure nickel in nickel-metal hydride battery. but there is a layered alloy compound.


A9. Thanks to the advice. Since palladium is an expensive precious metal, we'd better use low-cost nickel.


C10. The collision of deuterium  nuclei each other does not become 4-helium, but, the tritium or 3-helium.

A10. Thanks to the advice. This is a new fact that I learned in the ICCF 20. I had the hypothesis in this simulation as the collision of atomic nuclei and the particles becomes a new nuclear and a mass defect. The reason is that I could not find the organized information of results of collision particles in search of the Internet. If the colliding particles like protons, deuterium nuclei or 4-helium nuclei, have the same positive electricity of the target atomic nuclei, the strong repulsive force will be generated at the time of approaching. The possibility of a head-on collision is very low. They will often collide diagonally. So I can guess that there is a high possibility that division after the collision. It will split into two particles with roughly 3:2 mass ratio as in the fission of uranium and there is a mass defect. I would like to simulation again with this new hypothesis.

(忠告に感謝します。これは、ICCF 20で知り得た新しい事実です。今回のシミュレーションでは、原子核と粒子の衝突は一つの新原子核と質量欠損になるという仮定を置いていました。この仮定を設定した原因は、インターネットの検索では、衝突する粒子の結果についてまとめられた情報がほとんど見つからなかったためです。衝突する粒子が、原子核とおなじ正の電気を帯びる陽子、重水素原子核、4-ヘリウム原子核の場合は、接近時に強い反発力が生じますので正面衝突する可能性は低くなり、斜めに衝突することが多くそのため衝突後に分裂する可能性が高いと推測できます。ウランの核分裂のように、だいたい3:2の質量比率で2つの粒子に分裂しさらに質量欠損も生じるという仮定を置いて、再度シミュレーションしてみたいと思います。)

C11. I do not know the meaning of this simulation


A11. A wide variety of chemical substances will be generated in the combustion of gasoline of  chemical reaction. Also I recognize that nuclear reaction is a very complicated in the same way.  The triggers of reaction of cold fusion is probably a simple reaction of proton or deuterium nuclei and other nuclei. The generated mass defect becomes the energy of kinetic energy or gamma ray. It will cause the following nuclear reactions via the Compton effect. This simulation allows you to simulate all of the nuclear reaction, including from triggers up to the next nuclear reactions. You will be able to make predictions prior to the real experiment. If you see the simulation log, it is impossible to calculate all the nuclear reaction by hand.


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