
Nov 5, 2015

How can our government unlock a criminal's iPhone without his agreement.

How can our government unlock a criminal's iPhone without his agreement.

The answer is that Apple should make a back-door for the government.

(1) The iPhone has been installed public key certificates of many governments.
Which government's certificate installed is rely on where the iPhone is sold.

(2) When we activate our iPhone, we need to select our government.

(3) When the government need to unlock the iPhone of a criminal without his agreement,
the government run a crypted command into the iPhone,
the iPhone decrypt the command by the public key certificates of the government which has been selected at the activation,
and the command is confirmed by the iPhone, the iPhone will be unlocked.

But we have the right of silence in Japan, U.S., and other countries,
it's better that Apple will not make any back-door in the iPhone.

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