
May 22, 2013

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART1:12月のTEST(その8)



For each area, as well as for the entire duration of the video footage, a time diagram of the average temperature trend was extracted; data was then saved to Excel worksheets, from which the averages were extracted.


The temperatures thus obtained, expressed in Kelvin for each area, are presented in the following three tables.



Table 1. Division into 10 areas
By averaging these 10 values, one obtains a temperature, associable to the E-Cat HT, of 709 K.

これらの10個の値を平均化することによって、709 K の E-キャットHTに連想さ温度を取得する。

Table 2. Division into 20 areas
By averaging these 20 values, one obtains an assignable temperature for the E-Cat HT of 710.7 K.

これらの20個の値を平均化することによって、710.7 KのE-キャットHT用に割り当て可能な温度を取得する。

Table 3. Division into 40 areas.
By averaging these 40 values, one may assign to the E-Cat HT a temperature of 711.5 K.

これらの40の値を平均化することによって、711.5 KのE-キャットHT温度に割り当てることができます

The comparison between the different subdivisions into areas shows that the average temperature depends only slightly upon the choice of subdivision, and actually tends to increase, because the areas near the blacked-out ones are treated more effectively.


With reference to the third case above, one may calculate thermal power emitted by the E-Cat HT by first considering the average of the fourth power of the temperature of each area.


One gets the following value:

Emitted thermal power (E) may be easily obtained by multiplying the Stefan-Boltzmann formula by area of the E-Cat HT :




R = radius of the E-Cat HT , equal to 0.05 [m]
L = length of the E-Cat HT , equal to 0.33 [m].

R = the E-Cat HTの半径 , 0.05 [m] に等しい
L = the E-Cat HTの長さ , 0.33 [m] に等しい.

In calculating the total area of the E-Cat HT, the area of the two bases was omitted, their surface being:

E-キャットHTの総面積の計算では 、2つのベースの領域が省略され、その表面積は:


This choice was motivated by the fact that for these parts of the cylinder, which are not framed by the IR camera, any estimate of irradiated energy would have been highly conjectural.


We therefore preferred not to include this factor in calculating E, thereby underestimating radiative thermal power emitted by the E-Cat HT.


Emitted thermal power (E), apart from minute variations, remains constant throughout the measurement, as may be seen in the Plot 1 below, showing the measured radiative power vs time in hours.

放出される熱出力(E)は、微小なバリエーションから離れて、測定を通じて一定のまま 以下のプロット1に見られるように、時間単位で測定された放射パワー対時刻を示す。

Power production is almost constant with an average of 1609.4 W
出力生産は1609.4 Wの平均でほぼ一定である。

To this power we must subtract the thermal power due to room temperature.


On the basis of an average of 15.7 °C over 96 hours, we get:
96時間以上の 15.7°C 平均に基づいて、我々は得る:

So the final value is:

Plot 1. Emitted thermal power vs time.


Power production is almost constant with an average of 1609.4 W
パワー生産は1609.4 Wの平均でほぼ一定である
Note that the image reproduced by the IR camera is actually the projection of a cylindrical object on a two-dimensional plane.


Consequently, the lines of sight between the camera and the cylinder radius vary between 0 and 90 degrees.

これにより、カメラとシリンダ半径との間の視線は、0 から90度で変化する。

In the latter case, which refers to the lateral parts of the E-Cat HT with respect to camera position, and thereby to the edges of the thermal image, the recorded temperatures may be significantly lower than effective ones.


However, the division into rectangles adopted by us in order to calculate the average temperatures, comprises these edges (see fig. 8), which will therefore appear to be colder than they actually are due to the IR camera's angle of view.


Once again, we opted to take a conservative stance, underestimating temperatures where the effective value was not easily assessable


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