
May 21, 2013

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART1:12月のTEST(その5)



Data analysis
Upon conclusion of the test, the recordings from the video camera were examined.


By reading the images reproducing the PCE-830's LCD display at regular intervals, it was possible to make a note of the number of kWh absorbed by the resistor coils.


Subsequently, the E-Cat HT's average hourly power consumption was calculated, and determined to be = 360 W.

続いて、E-キャットHTの平均時間ごとに消費電力を算出し、360W であると決定された。

As far as the evaluation of the energy produced by the E-Cat HT is concerned, two dominant components must be taken into account, the first being emission by radiation, the second the dispersion of heat to the environment by means of convection.

Heat transfer by conduction was deemed to be negligible, due to of the minimal surface of contact (not more than a few mm2) between the device and its supports, and to the fiberglass insulation material placed at the contact points.


This material, however, partially obscured the image of the ECat HT’s surface.

この材料は、しかしながら、部分的にECAT HTの表面の画像を不明瞭にした。
Energy emitted by radiation was calculated by means of Stefan-Boltzmann’s formula, which allows to evaluate the heat emitted by a body when its surface temperature is known.


Surface temperature was measured by analyzing the images acquired by the IR camera, after dividing the images into multiple areas, and extracting the average temperature value associated to each area.

Conservatively, surface emissivity during measurements was set to 1,
i.e. the temperature values recorded are consequently lower than real, as will be explained below

The calculation of energy loss by convection from objects of cylindrical shape placed in air has been presented many times in academic papers that address issues related to heat transfer (see f.i. [4,5]).


It was therefore possible to estimate the amount of heat transferred by the E-Cat HT to the surrounding air in the course of the test.


The thermal performance of the E-Cat HT was finally obtained as the ratio between the total energy emitted by the device and the energy absorbed by its resistor coils.


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