
May 21, 2013

E-Cat第三者試験結果 PART1:12月のTEST(その2)




The thermal camera used was an Optris PI 160 Thermal Imager with 30° x 23° lens, and UFPA 160 x 120 pixel sensors.

使用サーマルカメラは、30°×23°のレンズを備えたOptris PI160サーマルイメージャーで、UFPA160×120ピクセルセンサ。

The camera spectral interval is from 7.5 to 13 μm, with a precision of 2% of measured value.

カメラスペクトル間隔は、測定値の2%の精度で、7.5から13μm である。

The camera was fastened to the frame of the E-Cat HT, and positioned about 70 cm from the device, with lens facing the lower half of the cylinder.


All imaging was thus taken from below the apparatus, in order not to damage the lens from the heat transferred by rising convective air currents.


This choice, however, had a negative impact on the measurements:


the presence of the two metal props on the stationary image shot by the camera introduced a degree of uncertainty in the measurements, as will be explained in detail below.


Camera capture rate was set at 1 Hz, and the image, visualized on a laptop display, was open to analysis throughout the course of the test.



Fig. 5. E-Cat HT on support frame.

The power cables to the internal resistor coils are visible, as well as the IR camera in the lower part of the photograph.


Electrical measurements were performed by a PCE-830 Power and Harmonics Analyzer by PCE Instruments with a nominal accuracy of 1%.


This instrument continuously monitors on an LCD display the values of instantaneous electrical power (active, reactive, and apparent) supplied to the resistor coils, as well as energy consumption expressed in kWh.


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