
Apr 17, 2013

Yildiz モーター のデモ結果

磁石だけで回るという、Yildiz モーター が、
スイスの Geneva の 国際発明展(4月10日-1う日)で 展示・デモされました。

予定では、デモ期間中、Yildiz モーターを無停止で連続運転させるはずでしたが、








Tuesday, April 16, 2013

35+ Reasons Why I Think Yildiz' Magnet Motor Really Works - Reasons include: no heat, it runs at ambient temperature • Dr. Jorge Duarte has measured 240 Watts for 5 hours and has seen inside: "no battery"; "I know it works" • other professionals impressed • stop/start performance consistent with torque source expected from magnet motor • movement of small motor is consistent with magnet behavior • many evidences of many magnets inside. (PESWiki; April 16, 2013)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Yildiz Magnet Motor Demo Report, April 12, 2013 - Highlights from he third day at the Inventors Conference in Geneva, include: magnetic field readings by several methods, interview w/ Duarte, how the motor equilibrates, motor start-stop several times, a 10 kW self-looped motor-generator, awards ceremony. (PESN; April 12, 2013) 

Thursday, April 11, 2013
Yildiz Magnet Motor Demo Report, April 11, 2013 - Even though the motor was not continuously running, only occasionally for a brief demo, the energy of the people visiting the booth at the Inventors Expo in Geneva was still very high; and there were things observable today that were not noticed or addressed yesterday. The believers have more reason to believe. (PESN; April 11, 2013) 

Videos from Yildiz All-Magnet Motor Demonstration on April 10, 2013 - A bunch of video clips, including the set-up, running time (4.5 hours), tour of other booths, troubles, magnetic effects documentation, the problem magnets. Also an interview of another exotic FE tech not 50 feet away. (PESN; April 10, 2013) 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Report on the Yildiz Magnet Motor Demo in Geneva, April 10, 2013 - The motor ran for 4.5 hours at ~2600 rpm before malfunctioning. Plan to repair it this evening to resume demo tomorrow. Duarte said he saw inside the motor and can vouch that there are no batteries inside. Technical problems with internet being resolved. (PESN; April 10, 2013) 

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