
Feb 20, 2012

How to set-up e-mail post on 'Word Press'.

I tried 'set-up e-mail post'.
This has 3 steps.

1. Post via e-mail

menu: 'Word Press'/Settings/writing/'Post via e-mail'
Mail Server:(your mail server)
Login Name:(your secret mail-address)
Password:(for the mail-address)

result: This is not enough! And I don't know why.

2. Add new user with the same mail address.

Add new user with the same mail address in 'Post via e-mail'.

menu: 'Word Press'/Users/'Add New'
Username: (your short name)
E-mail:(the other mail address in 'Post via e-mail')

result: This is not enough! And I don't know why.

3. Add the plugin, 'Ktai Entry'

I installed 'Ktai Entry Version".

menu: 'Word Press'/Plugins/'Add New'

Settings: Do nothing!

Send mail with a picture from the user's address in 'Word Press' to 'Post via e-mail'.

result: This is a good job.

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