
Dec 13, 2010

Our new SSL Certificate

Our new SSL Certificate

1. serached a cheaper SSL certs seller on Google.

2. found "" and went there.

3. thought which is better "Geotrust Rapid SSL 9.95/yr" OR "Comodo PositiveSSL $8.95 ?"

  I selected Rapid SSL. becuase PositiveSSL is 1024 bit, it's samll.

4. thought which is better 1 year or 3 years or more?

 I choosed 1 year. bacause in the next year, it'll be more chaaper.
 and I'll be able to try it again.

5. Buy, it is very easy.

6. Next I must activate it. but my old SSL is not still expired,

   It'll be expired After Dec 17 16:07:40 2010 GMT.
   to be continued.

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